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#1 Parent Sugar Baby - 2014-05-26
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

It is the illusion of former doormen, pimps, criminal wankers etc. to believe they would be qualified to "teach" because they are born natural English speakers. Unless educated, a pimp remains a pimp. Huomian shifu, also known as The Wanker from degreediscussion.com, is not qualified to teach at all.

Perhaps a little reluctantly, because even though the builder with the belly and the ignorant failed soldier sound most unsavoury, they do half qualify as FT's, being both natural English speakers.
#2 Parent Hong - 2014-05-25
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Any "ignorant failed (British)soldier" without a degree in English as a major and additional teacher training does NOT qualify. You sound like The Wanker and the rubbish regarding language learning and teaching he used to post on here.

and the ignorant failed soldier sound most unsavoury, they do half qualify as FT's, being both natural English speakers.
#3 Parent huomian shifu - 2014-05-25
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Well said shifu, it seems everyone is an expert on english language teaching, even a builder with beer gut and prison tattoos on both arms. If you can't speak the language, and have been a hod carrier, then god help the poor chinese parents whose kids are being tutored by Dave from Northampton who was kicked out of the army, or Sam from Bristol who was an ex hod carrier.

Pay peanuts, get monkeys?

Thanks Concerned. I agree with you. Perhaps a little reluctantly, because even though the builder with the belly and the ignorant failed soldier sound most unsavoury, they do half qualify as FT's, being both natural English speakers. Half qualify is not good enough though, so we must sling them on that 'slow boat to China' along with, Ivan The Terrible, Moscow University English major graduate, who does not qualify at all- not one little bit. Sorry about the liberty I have taken with 'slow boat' expression, but it tickled my fancy and couldn't resist.

#4 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-05-25
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Well said shifu, it seems everyone is an expert on english language teaching, even a builder with beer gut and prison tattoos on both arms. If you can't speak the language, and have been a hod carrier, then god help the poor chinese parents whose kids are being tutored by Dave from Northampton who was kicked out of the army, or Sam from Bristol who was an ex hod carrier.

Pay peanuts, get monkeys?

#5 Parent huomian shifu - 2014-05-24
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

The message you just tried to read doesn't exist.

Thank you. The first link you furnished me with only redeemed the above. So it would have to be a real leap of faith to take your word for it that they are a bad lot. The second link was pathetic schoolboy humour which was not funny at all. In fact if I were looking for a job and read it; I may well make the decision that because the writer was so pathetic it will probably turn out to be a good place to teach. But thank you for trying.

#6 Parent huomian shifu - 2014-05-24
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Well given that said school employs "american assholes" ass being their vernacular, arse in the UK, Larry seems to think it is fun to call us brits "british bastards". What next, Canadian C***s, or French F***s, and so on.

This misuse of the word 'ass' is a prime example of what happens when you get foreigners speaking English as a second language. When America was colonised it wasn't just by British folk. 'Kick the ass' has always properly meant kick that stubborn animal and make the bounder move. Unfortunately second language English speakers mistook arse(rear end) for the animal ass. Keep foreigners well away from teaching English, that's what I say. Second language types who have ended up believing that they know more about English than we do ourselves, are the ones to whom I refer.

#7 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-05-24
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Well given that said school employs "american assholes" ass being their vernacular, arse in the UK, Larry seems to think it is fun to call us brits "british bastards". What next, Canadian C***s, or French F***s, and so on.

As I know of one aggressive and arrogant american who worked at larry's crap school (China is a lot smaller than the yanks like to think!) , I for one as someone with a degree in the English language would never demean myself to stoop so low as to mix with larry and his kind. Leave that school for the aggressive losers....not for me and countless others!!!!

#8 Parent Hong - 2014-05-23
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Read here, and of course to call someone a "bastard" who is a potential candidate to be hired is inappropriate and out of proportion.


This happened on part of the potential employer in response to the potential candidate. British or not, being proud or not, to do such a thing on part of a potential employer is always inappropriate. The idiot who sent this email to the OP is a Chinese recruiter for the school or "school" who thought him/herself to be very smart and to play around with language whose meaning he/she did not know and the contexts within which it should be used.

It's a good example of total failure in cross-cultural communication. Some other posters paid this idiot back in like manner, see here:


And readers on here have had some fun. It's good entertainment with something to learn from it for each of us - what kind of treatment you should accept and not accept on part of Chinese employers!


#9 Parent huomian shifu - 2014-05-23
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

非常为人着想,Hong.非常感谢你的回复。BUT I am sure he has said something I would have disapproved of in another post I have not seen, so he can accept that admonition for that.Fair enough? I am British and proud of it, and I do not like these jealous disrespectful remarks.

#10 Parent Hong - 2014-05-22
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

Tell the Chinese person who sent the email calling OP a "British bastard" trying to hire the OP.

British teachers are not bastards. They are perhaps the only teachers (foreign) who should be allowed to teach in China; because of their supreme understanding of their own language.
#11 Parent huomian shifu - 2014-05-22
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

The "best" school in China hiring British "bastards"....Very "intelligent" recruiters and a bunch of complete idiots!....hahahaha
You'd better avoid this place of a pretend "school"!

British teachers are not bastards. They are perhaps the only teachers (foreign) who should be allowed to teach in China; because of their supreme understanding of their own language.

Most schools in China are pretty good which is more than you can say for the quality of some of the bums who arrive to teach English. Snooty, troublesome and work-shy pretend teachers.

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