Return to Index › Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co. - Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company in Shenzhen
#1 Parent Jock - 2014-06-27
Medical & Health Cover

Sorry but obvious sour grapes and cranky bad language is a big turn off. Humble Fish & Turnoi appear to be same person with their similar message style highly counter-productive. Wording in both these posts doesn't read as coming from a good foreign English teacher. This thread is all about Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network Company [Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company]. Your input diverts attention from valid points being raised about advising prospective foreign teachers to exercise absolute caution to the extent of formally finalizing medical & hospital insurance cover entitlement clauses in employment contracts prior to purchasing their airline tickets. If Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network Company [Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company] consultants advise they are bound by compulsory PRC Social Security medical and health cover you need to be especially cautious because you can see there are no details put out there on their internet literature. Until foreign teachers rights concerning medical & hospital cover are clearly forthcoming I would suggest you step back & look elsewhere

#2 Parent Humble Fish - 2014-06-26
Re Medical & Health Insurance Cover

Sorry, that "advice" of yours leads nowhere!

Don't you know that Helen crap TEFL company does not provide valid contracts to anybody? What they do is to let you sign a contract but you don't receive a counter-signed copy. In the end, there is no valid contract at all. They have done so in cases of all the teachers that I know. And in my case. And in case of every FT they have ever had.

If, as you "advise", the FT tries to negotiate more detailed rules for health insurance, they will tell you a load of crap and lies, and that's all there is to it.
Simply, don't waste your time on these crooks and look somewhere else!

May their crappy business go down the river soon and be never heard of again!

To you my appeal to refrain from giving "advice" on Helen Crap TEFL company topics, you don't seem to know them at all, and you don't know what you are talking about!

Helen's crap company is a typical Chinese crooks business at its best!

#3 Parent Jock - 2014-06-26
Medical & Health Insurance Cover

The importance of medical and health insurance cover mustn’t be under estimated. You should realize the general standard of PRC healthcare can be a major concern. Hospitals in China for expatriate patients will over-service with expectation of charging for everything. So who is to pay? You need to insist that Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network Company [Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company] comprehensively sets out your entitlements in the contract offered. Then if not satisfied, you need to demand for the contract to be suitably amended. This is best done before you purchase your airline ticket otherwise you could very likely be compromised.
:D :b

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-06-25
Re B & S

It is very well known; it is nothing new.

What is truly tragic, is that one of China's very best universities allow their name to used in relation to that company. That's some serious corruption, I tell you.

#5 Parent Jock - 2014-06-25
B & S

Zhejiang University Helen TEFL Company [Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company] has unfortunately been often criticized for its bait and switch approach to recruiting new foreign teachers to China.

#6 Parent Jock - 2014-06-24
Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network Company - Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company in Shenzhen

Also it is most important when contemplating employment with Zhejiang University Helen China TEFL Network Company [Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company] in Shenzhen or anywhere else to get confirmation as to what point in your travel will the PRC Social Security medical and health cover kick in. You will definitely need to receive written confirmation in respect to what level of hospital and medical care you would be entitled and whether this will meet your expectation as a guest worker.
:D :\

Jock - 2014-06-23
Zhejiang University Helen China tefl Network Co. - Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company in Shenzhen

(1) Be extra careful in dealing with the Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company. It is more often than not about what you are not told, rather than what you have been told. So best always to get everything in writing. I don’t know a single foreign teacher who has ever invited a friend from back home to join them at the Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company.

(2) Accommodation provided in Shenzhen is shared even when contracts specify otherwise. These Shenzhen apartments are from bottom end of market. The foreign teacher you cohabit with could have a different view about most things; including cleanliness. Summer temperatures are uncomfortably hot but no air-conditioning is provided.

(3) I strongly suggest interested inquirers request email & Skype contact details for ten or more Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company foreign teachers who would be agreeable for you to make contact. If things are as good as Hangzhou Helen TEFL Company consultants try to portray this little rigmarole won’t be a problem for them.

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