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#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-03
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

I am referring to various Chinese government officials at local level for various business purposes. I can't go into too much detail for the sake of preserving my anonymity (not theirs).

Although, I must admit I have enjoyed the pleasure of getting shitfaced with some local officials, possibly on the taxpayers expense. That wasn't even for business or anything. My friend owned a bar and those kind of guys happen to be his friends, that just always put everything on expenses.

Yes, consulate staff are on the whole pretty useless (due to limited authority), but I recently managed to get a suspected paedophile deported back to the U.K, thanks to my interactions with them.

Would like to respond to your post, if I may John?

Yes, I agree that there a lot of faceless chinese officials, one thing that pissed me off in ESL in public gigs in China, sometimes you would never EVER get to meet the headmaster or the principal, a simply "hands off" approach to the foreign teachers or letting us know in a subtle (or not so subtle?) way that we are not Chinese and thus second class citizens not to be tolerated/treated in the same way as the Chinese staff. When even a chinese cleaning woman granny is respected more than an FT, then that is not a teaching culture I want to be in, or be ANY part of. I'd rather stay and work somewhere where I get paid and respected for what I do, and what I feel is my value and worth. The chinese take a business like approach to education, so the best way is to stand up to them, twist their racism agains them and tell them nothing is for FREE, that soon wipes the smug looks off their faces, the worst that can happen, you just won't get your contract renewed.

I generally didn't/don't like drinking with Chinese male locals, I find they try and "cock block" you with the chinese ladies, and generally act like arseholes, vomiting everywhere, chain smoking with disregard to non smokers, and being disrespectful to bar staff. I preferred to drink alone, or with other expats. But that's just me, each to their own.

You are dead right about consulate staff. While I find peadophiles disgusting, I certainly would keep a low profile in China, doing a good deed there is not viewed the same way it is in the west, as they like to cut down a tall poppy, such is the nature of the people there, but yes, you did the right thing morally.

Cheers and beers

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-07-02
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

I am referring to various Chinese government officials at local level for various business purposes. I can't go into too much detail for the sake of preserving my anonymity (not theirs).

Although, I must admit I have enjoyed the pleasure of getting shitfaced with some local officials, possibly on the taxpayers expense. That wasn't even for business or anything. My friend owned a bar and those kind of guys happen to be his friends, that just always put everything on expenses.

Yes, consulate staff are on the whole pretty useless (due to limited authority), but I recently managed to get a suspected paedophile deported back to the U.K, thanks to my interactions with them.

#3 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-02
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

(that you probably have never met anybody from at any level in any place, unlike me)

I am quite curious on this point John. Because if you are referring to the british consulates in China they can do jack shit for you and I assume you do come from the UK. Even the british consulate in HK is next to useless, look at the recent passport debacle, many brits had to get emergency passports just to travel, at almost the same cost as a full 10 year 48 page passport!!

The one time, I went to the british consulate in Shanghai, it was a snooty chinese girl who basically I had a "I don't give a flying fuck" face, or I only give a shit if your a rich laowai tatooed on her forehead kind of attitude. She told me in no uncertain terms ( not that I asked!), I couldn't borrow money nor get help with medical costs, but a prison visit would be ok. God knows what she must have been through before with brits getting drunk and into debt and trouble in Shanghai eh? But I left finding it unfathomable. It would be like a white british person working in the chinese consulate/embassy in the UK....and that would never happen. When I went to the chinese consulate in manchester, it was all sour faced chinese staff, who had the attitude of they are doing you a big favour by granting you a tourist visa, to their polluted totalitarian country.

Good post though.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-06-30
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

Hoping for better is hardly interference, but a positive attitude that can help people to move forward. There's also a very good chance that in the future; changes will be made and that would probably result in dickheads like you struggling to even get the most basic of shitty training centre jobs.

I don't have the connections to ever complain to the central authorities in the government directly and understand the culture well enough to know that making a scene in a such manner would be counter-productive. Have you ever dealt with government officials in your career? I have and you most likely haven't except when you had to bribe somebody when you got caught with your fingers in the choir (or whatever the Chinese equivalent would be).

However, I do criticize people at my university when I have felt the need to (in the correct manner and through the right channels) and have got good results from that. If you have something to contribute that can help improve things, you may as well do it.

As somebody who is probably one of the only foreign university teachers in my local area (the number with contract offers is probably in single digits) to be offered a new contract this year and a previous winner of consecutive 'teacher of the month' awards in my previous training centre jobs (OK, not the most valuable of awards, but...), I dare say that many people believe that I often tend to do 'the job that was hired to do' pretty well, even if I do tend to ruffle some feathers from time to time.

So I have the confidence and self-belief in my own ability to do my job well and feel no need to listen to little pricks like you. Your approval is not needed.

Also as a regular poster, it often appears that when I post; there's often a fair few other teachers out there that can relate to what I say and will respond as such. That's why the bellends of degreediscussion won't stop whinging about me; although I wish they'd stop thinking that I am Turnoi.

NOW... Explain to us why anybody on this board should pay the slightest bit of respect to anything that you say.

What do you believe makes you a figure of authority in any way? Are you connected to the 'Chinese Government' that you just love to constantly rim all day long?

I would heavily suggest that you try to answer these questions or jog on.

It would matter if you was 'King Wumao the Third,' I might be an anonymous alias on the internet, but don't ever believe for one moment that it wouldn't make me dangerous if I met you face to face.

Once you get shanked, your beloved government (that you probably have never met anybody from at any level in any place, unlike me) won't be able to save you. Maybe your embassy can repatriate your remains though... Hang on, they probably don't want you, due to some of the offences that you are on the run for.

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