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#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-06-26
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

where the indigenous white population is actually a bastardised mix of several invading races that settled on the island.

You certainly know your history John. From the anglo saxons to the Huguenots and picts and the romans, Britain has always been a mix of people from Northern Europe, Belgium, France, and Southern europe.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-06-25
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

You make some good points there. I would have to say though that people go abroad for all sorts of reasons, not all of them done out of good will. We see here on the forum that sometimes expats who do go to other countries do so out of exploitative purposes. They may talk the good talk when it comes to bashing the crappy side of ESL and the pitfalls of other societies in general. But when it comes to actually practicing those virtues (like not disclosing personal information without permission from the person who gave it to you, or to use that against them for your own biased reasons) even the ones who seem consistent will renege on what they preach.

Immigrants come in all flavors good and bad, at the end of the day some will use the faceless, anonymous forums as an excuse to hide their own insecurities and inadequacies at actually being socially successful in real life.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-06-25
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

As a Briton myself, I must instantly reject your proposal as I do not believe in your racist crap. A lot of great things about Britain comes from its multi-cultural nature (probably an unintended consequence of colonialism).

You appear to want a country solely populated by White British people. That gives me the impression that the slogan for a nationalist political campaign led by somebody like you would be probably be 'Forget the rest. Incest is best.' People with racist views like yours do tend to be rather inbred after all.

The United Kingdom is an island nation, where the indigenous white population is actually a bastardised mix of several invading races that settled on the island. Wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical to fear a few more races invading? Not to mention that we invaded a fair few of the lands belonging to those races that you described as inferior.

I absolutely hate people like you, that will only ever complain about what the UK used to be, rather than thinking about the UK could become in the future.

#4 Parent Morris Tower - 2014-06-25
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

It is why Brits must assert themselves and become ultra-nationalistic ASAP. Otherwise, the UK will be swamped by those individuals from inferior Asian and Arab cultures, if it has not already happened.

This great civilization is at risk of ruin from inferior races. The Chinese, Arabs, Turks, etc, they must be banned from entering the UK even as tourists. There is too much at stake.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-06-24
Re Never Never Never blame the Brits

No wonder various others nations like to accuse us of dwelling upon past glories... :D

wc - 2014-06-24
Never Never Never blame the Brits

- China, India growth: inspired by the Brits (HK used to be BRIT).
- Scotland independence: helped by the Brits, same Ireland.
- Germans prevented for conquering the world: A Brit plan and action.
- Best musicians in history of humanity, almost all Brits: Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Police, Bee Gees, a lot more.
- Best engines ever built: Brit's Roll Royce for cars and planes.
- Biggest survivors in history: Brits survived the great spanish armada, Napoleon, the Germans.
- A lot of more reasons why the Brits will always be a great country.

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