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#1 Parent re - 2014-07-13
Re Marry her (and her family) *NM*
#2 Parent foreign guy - 2014-07-13
Re: Marry her (and her family)

The greed is out of control now in China. Any woman you date expects you to give her thousands every month, and if you want to marry them, you will have to buy off her parents. They will want a house in her name, and probably a car. I blame the selfish parents for this.......its all about them, and they never think about the parents of the foreign guy.

#3 Parent re - 2014-07-13
Marry her (and her family)

Asian parents pressure daughters to marry men of wealth at a young age. Asian parents just want the best for their family and want to make sure their daughters are financially secure.

#4 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-12
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

funny picture john!

Yes, I got your idiom meaning. I actually used to like explaining and teaching idioms to chinese students. Shame they don't "get" british humour beyond Mr Bean.....only fools and horses used to draw blanks amongst college students, except for the scene with Del falling through the bar or the chandeliers clip. Pure comedy gold!!!


#5 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-07-12
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

It is rather strange that they censored a harmless typical English idiom that has been used for centuries.

Like I said in more colourful terms, there is more than one way to do it.

I can also assure the militant vegetarian amongst the admin, that one has no intention of harming any kitty cats.

As for woman draining your money, it is only a case of finding the right one.

#6 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-12
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

Some people even do well just playing bass guitar in some kind of Laowai rock band

I knew some foreigners who did the whole band and gigs thing, though given the way chinese bars are with their smoking laws (or lack of them!), they are not for me.

Yes, to not wasting money. I used to only eat muslim noodles and canteen food and cook in the on campus flat kitchen or with other FT's. Iphones never wanted one, never needed one, much to chinese peoples amusement/surprise. Women will also drain your money.

#7 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-07-11
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

[edited]. Investments in China, out of China, tutoring, trading or hell... Some people even do well just playing bass guitar in some kind of Laowai rock band. Not everything makes money, sometimes you lose it, get in shit with the authorities...

One mate used his time in China to write a novel, it didn't sell well, but his teaching job in China allowed him to do it. Dare say it was a risk worth taking, maybe just writing the damn thing was rewarding in itself.

The best way to make money (imo) is to simply not waste it all on pointless indulgences. That might mean living off noodles more than you'd like and not pissing your money up the wall on shit booze, silly golddigging tarts and overpriced but shit western food. Most of China still has relatively low living costs compared to classier Western cities. You can save more than you'd think, then use that to invest.

Yep, doing that little bit more is not always that legit, so you have to keep your nose clean in other areas such as the way that you party at weekends.

As for whether I stay in China much longer, that depends upon a ridiculous number of factors. Being not far off getting engaged can swing it either way, whilst it may be far easier for missus (the highest earner out of the two of us) to make money in China. I'd personally prefer our kids to be educated abroad.

#8 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-11
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

There is no future Teaching English in China.

And there is no future on the "dole" in the UK, or on food stamps and welfare handouts in somewhere like Detroit, Michigan which is rapidly becoming third world while chinese are looking to invest millions.

China is heaven to some, and hell to others. Vive la difference I say!

Either way a good post though.

#9 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-11
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

Just curious here John, are you referring to investments in your own country, like silverboy has said he has, or having a part time business going in China or something?

I was under the impression the work visa only allows you to work, as the business F or M visa only is for doing business? Of course we know the waters get muddied, but still...

Do you think you will personally remain in China much longer?

#10 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-07-10
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

Haha, well said...

I personally think that if you are going to teach during those years, you better only be doing it for the visa, whilst you have something else on the side.

#11 Parent martin Hainan - 2014-07-10
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

Poor Western men do find girlfriends in China. At the Chinese colleges where I've taught my Western 'colleagues' have had drug problems, legal problems, psychiatric problems, hygiene problems, yet remarkably they all have had Chinese girlfriends at various times. The question I 'pose' is what are these girls thinking?

There is no future Teaching English in China. If you are under 26 having a post-graduate experience teaching in China, it's a wonderful way to avoid tackling your own country's daunting job market while extending your adolescence for a year or two. If you are over 55 with retirement income, it's a rewarding way to maintain the synaptic activity of your ancient brain while forestalling dementia for a decade or two.

If you are in your 30's and 40's, your peak earning years, without a family, teaching English in China... well I wouldn't want my daughter dating you either.

#12 Parent lao miànbāo shifu - 2014-07-10
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

I would just give up if I was you. The culture demands it, expects it, and there is not really much you can do about it. Girls in HK are even worse in their attitudes, and Thai girls, well I would never even go there. Try and find a nicer one from one of the more rural provinces, just be aware that they will be looking up and not down, and that once they get to the "top" they may well become very demanding and snooty.

But yes, you are right, they will always expect a man to be loaded. Quite sad really, a vacuum for any sort of culture, where money comes before morals. Not being racist, just stating some facts. There are some nice people who are not corrupted in the mix though,,,,,

Padstow - 2014-07-10
how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

I just want to pose a question to readers here: How do poorer Western men find a GF in China?

I've been here 15 months, in both Sichuan and Guangxi, and it seems women only mostly care about men's ability to buy them smart phones and expensive clothes and shoes.

Where are the more spiritual and realistic girls? Even I know some teachers who have money, but Chinese girls just say "Why aren't you a businessman"?

I think this attitude is really stupid, this "every man I meet must be rich" mentality.

Can anybody explain this to me?

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