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#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-13
Re how can a poor foreigner get a girl in China?

I am for 100 % pro Israel, but it is not only for that reason that I hate figures like this Hitler.

Thanks for your comments T. I am sitting on the fence on the current Gaza invasion, but am following it through google news, RT, and the drudge report. For sure I think Israel has a right to defend their territory, but I also see the blatant hypocrisy in providing electricity and medical care to the same people their air force is bombing, you would think they would shut off their electricity and refuse to treat palestinians, but they do not. So it seems six of 1 and a half dozen of the other to me, I just hope it can all be resolved peacefully, but it seems like this cycle of violence keeps perpetuating itself alas.

Who do you reckon this fellow the wanker really is? Some profiteer/speculator who buys council houses? I only meant to mingxiu that poor people should not just as easily be labelled garbage, the rich who get away with many things unseen in their ivory towers can also be considered garbage. The sewer lines run under the posh neighbourhoods too....

thanks for your reply, and have a good sunday.

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