Return to Index › The British are lucky.
#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-18
Re The British are lucky.

No flies in pies up north lol, but plenty of meat and potatoes, lol

#2 Parent Samuel - 2014-07-17
Re The British are lucky.

They believe they will succeed and they do.

#3 Parent The Butler - 2014-07-17
Re The British are lucky.

Most likely, it has a door marked "beware of flies in pies".

#4 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-07-17
Re The British are lucky.

I love it when Chinese people religiously bring up the 'This is China' defence.

Let me ask why businessmen have for many years been wanting to learn about Japanese business management techniques such as Kaizen and J.I.T manafacturing, yet nobody wants to learn about Chinese management techniques, despite the country supposedly experiencing a boom for the past 10 years?

Your country seems to regularly require foreign expertise in many fields, but regional rivals like Japan and South Korea seem pretty much self reliant because they adapted international standards, lol.

#5 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-17
Re The British are lucky.

Does this squatted house have a door marked "Beware Of The Leopard" perchance?

#6 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-17
Re The British are lucky.

Shut your flapping yap!!!!

So what if we enjoy our leisure time, it is you lot that are the saddos, going to places like Australia and not appreciating the beaches and natural beauty and that you work to live, not live to work. But as we know "YOU" Chinese love money, so much so, you don't pity the poor and think prostitutes are good....what does that say about your so called harmonious society?

#7 Parent The Butler of Lady Mary - 2014-07-16
Re: The British are lucky.

It's their good right to do so, they are the masters of Chinglish!
Yes, my lady, yes!

#8 Parent Butler James - 2014-07-16
Re The British are lucky.

I have it on good authority that Cameron turned absolutely altruistic over night and has decided to live in a squatted house in case he will not be re-elected again. He will sell his property, other belongings and even his dog to help and feed the poor. Then, when being poor and living in a squatted house, he will line up at the soup kitchen to beg for another Scotch Whiskey.

#9 Parent smtt - 2014-07-16
Re The British are lucky.

Lots of Class and Fairness: Allowing a Scottish Independence Referendum vote.

#10 Parent chánɡ - 2014-07-16
Re The British are lucky.

some r ok and others complaint too much making the life of the overworked and busy owner of the school real hard.
you r not in the west any more. this is china.

#11 Parent Rex - 2014-07-16
Re: The British are lucky.

Tons of great music and lots of talented artists. Thanks Brits!

#12 Parent Albrecht - 2014-07-16
Re: The British are lucky.

They have an obsessive-compulsive disorder to correct any grammatical errors from others (an illness).

#13 Parent Pando - 2014-07-16
Re The British are lucky.

They are fixers, they fix everyone else's problems.

#14 Parent saying - 2014-07-16
Re The British are lucky.

British traits
Obsession with property values and Jealousy of wealth and success

re - 2014-07-16
The British are lucky.

They speak English and English is the global language of the world.

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