Return to Index › Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?
#1 Parent willabroad - 2014-07-20
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

I believe that having a fake degree shouldn't be a major contributor to deciding whether they can be trusted or professional.

If you change the questions to

"Can a person with a degree and no work experience be considered trustworthy and professional?"

"Can a person who has never had a job before, be considered trustworthy and professional?"

or even better ...

"Can an admin be considered trustworthy and professional?"

... Just saying here, I think most people would not trust an admin with too much information.

I think give the person three-months, see where they came in, where they are.How they act, for the most part time will tell. If the employee mentioned it, then that is at least better trust wise. Some people fake degrees to get a job, not so much to fake a degree, and China does pay more than Cambodia. A teaching certificate is better, especially if real, if fake, then not, a TEFL is about 1000-1500 rmb and less than 6 months. Also its "professional development."

Ask them to draw this picture:

The bough is bowed and bowing with a bow on its head and a bow in it's hand.

Or be evil, ask them to draw a bat, which ever one they draw, say "That's nothing like a bat, this is a bat!" and draw the other.

#2 Parent saying - 2014-07-19
Try Cambodia.

Only a TEFL certification is good enough or non OK too.
pros: No problem with aging teachers, degrees or not OK. Most of time easy and relax.
cons: No much money, no money for flights and accommodation are so so. Food is good-local and people are OK.

#3 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-19
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

I wouldn't hold much truck with what the Chinese say or think. This is a race of people, yes a RACE, not the Chinese government, but the Chinese people themselves, who say that the poor deserve no pity, and that prostitutes are better, because to be poor is SHAMEFUL. A very sick and twisted culture,where you would rather your daughter be a prostitute, than be poor. Where you would know your husband has sex with girls at the ktv without sexual protection, but you have to accept it because you are a chinese woman and "This is China" yes, that tired and tested line again, that every wai guo ren zhong guo tong will hear again and again to defend their own corruption and laziness.



#4 Parent re - 2014-07-19
Foreign teachers with degree vs Foreign teachers with no degree.

Can a native English speaker w/o degree teach English to this class..yes or not?

#5 Parent re - 2014-07-19
And why someone needs a degree to teach basic English in Asia being English his/her first language?

Any English native speaker with at least high school and a clean criminal record should be allowed to teach English anywhere.

#6 Parent comment - 2014-07-19
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

Having a degree doesn't make you anymore trustworthy or proffessional.

That's a good point.

#7 Parent We come in peace (shoot to kill) - 2014-07-18
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

Having a degree doesn't make you anymore trustworthy or proffessional. How very ignorant and 1950's of you to say so.

This is obviously written by a Chinese. Only a Chinese would think a graduate is "trustworthy and proffessional" because they went to uni ha ha Everyone else is incapable of being so, right China? :)

Policeman/Fireman/Construction workers etc You'd struggle to find one with a degree.

#8 Parent random - 2014-07-18
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

not recommended but many do it and get away with it.

#9 Parent The Butler of Lady Mary - 2014-07-18
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

If you considered a fake degree holder trustworthy and professional, you would be a fool.
Be careful not to "compete" with that really qualified, professional and trustworthy teacher below.

#10 Parent comment - 2014-07-18
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

Not all can afford education. If you do it keep it quiet.
Remember you’re killing your credibility.

All Directions - 2014-07-18
Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

All feedback Good/Bad welcome! :)

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