Return to Index › DWI on record and teaching ESL - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent Larsen - 2006-02-05
What about 'liftin' ? - Teachers discussion

What about a conviction maybe 15 years ago for shoplifting (misdemeaor--no felony)?

#2 Parent Malex - 2006-02-04
DWI - Teachers discussion

Considering how much Koreans I know drink, and how close EFL teachers I know come to being alcholics, I doubt that a DWI is going to be that big of a deal. If it comes up, just say you made a mistake and learned from it and have never done it since.

#3 Parent Larsen - 2006-01-29
Wasn't a problem for one guy - Teachers discussion

A misdemeanor on a record didn't keep one guy I know out of SK. He was welcomed with open arms. Maybe it was because he had a real degree and a real TESOL. Not sure. But if they said "Yes" to him, they will probably say "Yes" to you.

Best of luck to ya.

B.K. - 2006-01-28
DWI on record and teaching ESL - Teachers discussion

I do know they make background checks when you go and teach. Does something like a past DWI cause a problem if someone wanted to work in South Korea? It is considered a misdemeanor in the U.S. So I am not sure how I can find out if I would be barred from working due to that or not. Feel free to e-mail me if you want, if you have any information.


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