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#1 Parent Pitbull - 2014-07-21
Re Keeping schtum in Shandong

Most likely they won't take you anyway, as you don't seem to qualify - with the fake degrees that you yourself claimed to hold!
Anyway, it's no if even they would not take you!
Better keep to baking flies with pies!

#2 Parent Charles - 2014-07-21
Keeping schtum in Shandong

English teaching was a sinecure for me as I didn't need the money, so could be choosy about where I worked and what I did as I wasn't reliant on a monthly paycheck to survive.

Would you then now release the info of the good job you had in (presumably) Shandong province, to help others out?

The poster you replied to excepted of course. However, I don't know if you know it or not but Shandong Province was always known as 'The mum's the word' (baomi if you like) province. A bit like The French Foreign Legion for academics who have had to beat a hasty retreat from whence they came. Alcoholism. Caught red-handed with the wife of violent school bursar. Alternatively caught red-handed with bursar; consequently pursued by wife. Embezzlement of college funds, you name it. The Chinese were/are always happy to take on these runaways in strict confidence; in return for them working for peanuts. It is called a 'baomi contract.' Best never ask about Shandong Province or why some-one ended up there. Unless he is a young non-academic teacher of course; who simply can't get a job elsewhere.

If you visit grotty universities in Shandong, the one thing that sticks in your memory is that they all seems to boast three of four grey-haired Dr Smith' or Dr Jones' and you wonder how such establishment could afford to employ them. Easy- they are on baomi contracts- a snip at 5000 yuan for the year- and mum's the word.

#3 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-21
Re (TIC) This is China

English teaching was a sinecure for me as I didn't need the money, so could be choosy about where I worked and what I did as I wasn't reliant on a monthly paycheck to survive.

Would you then now release the info of the good job you had in (presumably) Shandong province, to help others out?

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