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#1 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-07-25
Re Why not leave?

I see what you mean. Chinese millionaires are emigrating on a daily basis.

#2 Parent Kevin - 2014-07-25
Re Why not leave?

Good question. Why do these people still stay while China and complaining everything again and again?

#3 Parent Yáng - 2014-07-24
Re Why not leave?

At each of these pub-diasporas I have
listened to a variety of conversations. Without exception, the most frequent topic has
been: China Sucks.

Good post mister. When you listen conversations in any bar: Chinese fortune cookie msg says: When you squeeze an orange, orange juice will come out - because that's what's is inside.

#4 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-07-22
Re Why not leave?

Some are halfway through lucrative expat contracts and are willing to serve out their sentence.

Some have nowhere else to go.

Some are waiting to move at the right time , no need for brash decisions.

#5 Parent random - 2014-07-22
Re Why not leave?

I have listened to a variety of conversations. Without exception, the most frequent topic has been: China Sucks.
Since I am neither strong nor combative, my inquiry is always the same: why don't you leave?

well said bruth. Keep up the gd work, 1.3 billion people got ur back :).

martin Hainan - 2014-07-22
Why not leave?

Every city where I have traveled and worked in China I have found one or two locations, usually a bar, where ex-pats converse. At each of these pub-diasporas I have listened to a variety of conversations. Without exception, the most frequent topic has been: China Sucks.
Since I am neither strong nor combative, my inquiry is always the same: why don't you leave?

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