Return to Index › Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?
#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-07-23
Re Can an English teacher in China with a fake degree be considered trustworthy & professional by the admin and other teachers?

Firstly, thank you for your detailed reply.

I take your points but the issue is about 'cultural relativism'. In the UK for example there are charities like the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA) and the RSPCB, for birds. There is also comprehensive legislation for protecting wildlife and habitation

Indeed there are. As there are also in Hong Kong, owing to it's former colonial status. It will take time for China in this regard, but it is taking hold at a grass roots level, especially in the bigger more open cities.

The other points you make about abortion clinics, Christian militants etc are equally valid but these are the result of values that permit freedom of expression and the right of assembly for example. the late and sorely missed writer Christopher Hitchens explains the dangers of religious fundamentalism of all shades in his book, "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything".

Actually, forgive me there, I was going off at a tangent. I suppose what I was trying to get across is that all religions are capable of extremism and have their fundamentalists within them. As you just mentioned with that authors book, Islam itself does not hold a sole monopoly on fundamentalism.

It was Silverboy who raised the points about Western values for China, and this debate (Intelligence Squared - again) is well worth your time.


Thank you. I will watch that in full when time permits.

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