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#1 Parent martin Hainan - 2014-08-15
Re All about Chris

It's amazing how genuine embarrassment can be experienced by a reader for a writer.

a colleague of Chris - 2014-08-15
All about Chris

I have changed some details, but the gist is accurate enough!

About Chris: Handsome Englishman from B[edited] who tells great jokes, but had never taught before coming to China. He has three years of uni with a major in Agricultural Science before dropping out of his local redbrick university. After borrowing money from a gullible aunt, he came to China on a tourist visa, soon after having been enticed to do so by a Chinese recruiter. He is 24 years old and monkeys around with kids, and even better with TAs who he likes to get drunk and high after school. He loves to drink and chase skirts. He doesn't mind sleeping with any girl, whatever her ethnic background. He occasionally curses but the kids think it's cool! He's having the time of his life in China!

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