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#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-08-16
Re stupid US, UK "leaders" duped by Chinese, Africans, Arabs

Well, OPEC is certainly not a friend of the west. It's akin to supermarket bosses inflating prices for bread, cheese and milk, and then people just shrugging their shoulders and accepting it. With all the natural gas that the UK and the US has, I say it's high time to reduce our dependency on african and arab oil, solar power, natural gas, all these should be furthered....lest we continue to be under the bootheel of the russians, saudis, and others who dislike and laugh at us....my two cents.

cheated - 2014-08-15
stupid US, UK "leaders" duped by Chinese, Africans, Arabs

I think by now most Western people would realize that their "leaders" have been hoodwinked by certain interest groups, extreme left-wing PC type , latte-sipping urban idealogues who don't have the best interests of white Western civilization at heart. Not just the leaders of English speaking Western countries, also France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, etc.

Globalization and immigration are destroying Western society. When Asian and Arab leaders impose restrictive immigration policies and discriminate against foreigners they are "preserving" or "protecting their culture". When Western people want to do the same thing we are "racists". The people we are inviting into our countries don't share the same sort of values we stand for: democracy, tolerance, freedom, a sense of morality. We invite those who hate us and want to kill us ( especially mainland Chinese and Arab Muslims ) to live in our countries.

Chinese, Arabs, African people, they are always "victims" of something or somebody. It must also be remembered that the mainstream Western media and film industries, especially in the USA are controlled by Jews, another virulent self interest group with a victim mentality.

It is time for Europeans to stand up for their rights. We should only let people of the utmost integrity into our countries. Those who share are values.

I stumbled across this board and am disturbed that there appear to be many Western sell-outs here, some who even seem to hate their home countries. Truly a disgrace.

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