Return to Index › Bitter old man
#1 Parent Nudgee - 2014-08-18
Re Bitter old man

Sounds a lot like Chinese. All that pent up anger and hatred toward the West, but you can't do anything about it. Us laowai will continue to come to China however and have short-term casual sex relationships with your useless Chinese women, haha!
We will use them and dump them.

China is rubbish!

#2 Parent yin - 2014-08-18
Re Bitter old man

Depression is not a normal part of aging. Several reports have shown that the true culprit behind bitterness among older people is disability.

#3 Parent Bob - 2014-08-18
Re Bitter old man

When older people consider their life a failure, they become bitter and then racism explodes together with their pent-up rage at the world.

truester - 2014-08-18
Bitter old man

1st thing you need to realize, any problem you face, you are part of the cause.

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