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#1 Parent Davyhulme Worker - 2014-08-31
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

But you're undetected so why does it matter to anyone but yourself anyway?

Yes, everyone has their talent, but still...Mandarin is a piece of piss to learn. Whether you agree or disagree is meaningless to me. I am simply stating a fact based on my and many others years of experience....Chinese (pu tong hua) is easy enough, if you force yourself too hard you won't learn, take it slowly, talk with locals, make notes, listen to chinese songs etc etc...you will soon pick it up. Much like learning english, immersion is the best way.

You are also undetected, so I don't see the point of that statement?

#2 Parent Flunked Chinese - 2014-08-30
Re: GW's on ESL websites.


Everybody has their talent.

For some, learning a language isn't one of them.

There is no law that states "if you're married to a Chinese" then you can be arrogant and not need to learn the language.

I learn slowly as I have a lot of other things going on.

Don't judge too much because it reveals a character flaw inside yourself.

But you're undetected so why does it matter to anyone but yourself anyway?

#3 Parent Davyhulme worker - 2014-08-30
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Most FT's can't speak Chinese and do need to point at the pictures when they visit budget noodle shops. I found that ex-pats in China who can't speak Chinese who are married to Chinese women were often arrogant: know alls, but can't communicate unless the wife translates everything. I knew one bloke who couldn't even order food in a restaurant or get a taxi unless his wife was with him.

I respect your right to disagree.

However most FT's I met, including africans, could speak Chinese very well. I knew one african FT who was a mate of mine who even surprised me with how good his chinese was, and I consider myself pretty fluent. Chinese (Mandarin) is not too difficult if one practises and works at it, only 4 tones, but then I learned through immersion and out of necessity. Won't go into that any further for personal reasons. Now cantonese, that is a whole other ball game as has been discussed before, 9 or maybe more tones.

It is good however that said noodle shops have pictures; does make things easier for a quick lunch on the go.

Hmmmm, about the expats married to chinese women being arrogant, yes I would agree, I knew a brit guy who was like that, and despite being in China and having a chinese wife a long time, his chinese was worse than mine. He was arrogant and lazy to put it bluntly and I have now terminated our friendship, as I found him to be grovelling and self centred and p***y whipped by his younger chinese wife.

Good luck silverboy!!!

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