Return to Index › Re "Jaydon" is not from the UK but a paid Worlda lackey writing Chinglish!
#1 Parent K. - 2015-04-02
Re Guangzhou Worlda - Too lame to even write their own new fake reviews this year.

I already know that Worlda and Mary Yu are cheats and liars and I would never work for that piece of shit company.

#2 Parent Lucky Luke - 2014-08-09
Here is a bit more on these clowns

Teacher Training for teaching Chinglish:

Strange "academic" programmes:

Crappy training centre level:

Overall Excellence in Chinglish:

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-08-09
Guangzhou Worlda - Too lame to even write their own new fake reviews this year.

Hello once again Craig... Still writing the same letter from 2012, are we?


#4 Parent Pitbull's Mom - 2014-08-08
Re "Jaydon" is not from the UK but a paid Worlda lackey writing Chinglish!

Hahahahaha, we are the champions in proving low-lives like 'Jayden" to be the fakes they actually are!.....LOL

Anyway, it is proven that the review written by ‘Jayden’ was fake and that is what really matters!
#5 Parent John O’ Shei - 2014-08-08
Re "Jaydon" is not from the UK but a paid Worlda lackey writing Chinglish!

Listen to how Chinese people talk, they are brainwashed into being part of a system rather than trying to be the best possible person that they can be. Hence you get a general sense of laziness, lack of creativity and shoddy workmanship.

Anyway, it is proven that the review written by ‘Jayden’ was fake and that is what really matters!

#6 Parent Craig - 2014-08-08
Guangzhou Worlda - A great company to work for

My name is Craig. I have been working for Worlda for three years and have just signed up to work another year. With Worlda I know that all of my working permits and legal documents are correct and up to date. I can be confident that I am legally working in China. Worlda has alliances with many schools in China, both public and private. They can provide a great variety of working experiences with students of all ages. Worlda's capable staff is able to assist me with any problems that arise whether personal or professional. This is essential for anyone new to China. Worlda is able to provide accommodations they arrange or they can assist you in finding accommodations of your own if you so choose. Worlda has always done what they have promised to do. I have always been paid on time and treated fairly. I have greatly enjoyed my time here in China. Guangzhou is a wonderful and endlessly fascinating city. It is at once completely modern yet still traditional. You can experience the life of a big city as well as the life of an intimate neighborhood. I have no hesitation in recommending Worlda. I am sure you will have a great experience if you come here.

#7 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-08-08
Re "Jaydon" is not from the UK but a paid Worlda lackey writing Chinglish!

Foreigners don’t have this responsibility to ‘the society’ to worry about

Which could explain a lot about the current decline in the west. When you only give a shit about yourself, and patting yourself on the back, and giving yourself a raise while people can't pay their mortgages, well, that's what led to the occupy movements imho.

#8 Parent John O’ Shei - 2014-08-08
Re "Jaydon" is not from the UK but a paid Worlda lackey writing Chinglish!

One does not even need to look at his grammar, but cultural differences. Foreigners don’t have this responsibility to ‘the society’ to worry about, yet Chinese people are obsessed with it.

We never talk about ‘entering the society’, we might enter the ‘world of work’ or ‘enter the real world’ after spending too long at university, but society? It is something we are part of, from the day that we are born and we usually have very little influence upon it as individuals, probably because we are from an individualist culture rather than a collectivist one.

I bet that Worlda have used a real teacher’s name, but wrote that post by themselves. Someone had better let the real Jayden know, lol.

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