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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-17
Re Help with demo lesson

...what, you probably think like london girl that we should be locked inside our apartments, watching tv, and not venturing outside to eat food, have a drink, and meet girls?
Wrong again. By all means go out, eat drink and hit on girls... Just don't let it impact your teaching either by drinking to excess the night before you are due to teach or by doing minimal preparation (1 Mr Bean lesson plan for 16 different classes!) because you're more focused on drinking and meeting girls than you are on your students.

So sad that after so long, you still don't understand the difference.

#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-15
Re Help with demo lesson

As I recall, you have more than once said that you were only interested in eating your jiaozi, drinking your beer and chasing your skirts.

That is what China should be like for a single, male, western FT imho....what, you probably think like london girl that we should be locked inside our apartments, watching tv, and not venturing outside to eat food, have a drink, and meet girls?!>!

#3 Parent Somebody - 2014-09-14
Re Help with demo lesson

This is supposed to be a demo, [edited]

And I'm not at all convinced by your professed interest in improving Chinese critical thinking. As I recall, you have more than once said that you were only interested in eating your jiaozi, drinking your beer and chasing your skirts. Quite the dedicated teacher.

Not sure at all why Turnoi tolerates you. He clearly looks down on teachers of your ilk.

To preempt any comments I might have to make to your rebuttals, I'll just let you know that I won't reply to any further provocations against my "GW" self. It is clear that is a waste of time.

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