Return to Index › Re Somebody's Books on Pinyin are for fools
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-18
Re Somebody's Books on Pinyin are for fools

If your replies are that bad that the mods edit them out, I have no desire to read it via email, thank you!

I don't really want to discuss any point with you, considering I find any input regarding teaching from you meaningless since you said you were teaching to fund your easy lifestyle, teach 16 classes from one Mr Bean lesson plan and that all tour students deserve from you is to do as they're told.

#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-18
Re Somebody's Books on Pinyin are for fools

I can't even respond to you anymore as I just get edited out each time, therefore, any debate on here is meaningless. My email is included should you wish to go over these points that way, it would also perhaps have the benefit of not backing up the boards with our disagreeing over various issues, either way, up to you.


#3 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-18
Re Somebody's Books on Pinyin are for fools

Don't claim something as public as published work if you aren't willing to back it up, boys!


#4 Parent Beth - 2014-09-17
Re Somebody's Books on Pinyin are for fools

I'd be interested in looking at your published work, Turnoi. But I'm not going on a treasure hunt for them on my ancient smartphone. Please post the links to them here for me? If they're available for purchase on amazon, I see no problem providing the links?

Same goes for any published work; so Somebody, yours too, please?

I'm not published, I don't intend to start writing as I am more focused on day to day teaching, but if I were I would be proud to post links to it.

Don't claim something as public as published work if you aren't willing to back it up, boys! All mouth, no trousers is not an endearing quality ;)

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