Return to Index › Turnoi needs to look up the definition of 'rant' before he uses it again...
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-20
Turnoi needs to look up the definition of 'rant' before he uses it again...

It seems you are still blaming me for the fact that I fist didn't take at face value what you said about yourself.
No, it's the hypocrisy that is galling to me. You spout about others being fakes and liars and yet make all these claims about yourself without ever backing them up, just hiding behind 'privacy'... If you want it to be private, don't post about it in order to try and make other posters look less qualified or less experienced than yourself, simple. Until then, anything you claim, any input you give, should be ignored.
Return to Index › Turnoi needs to look up the definition of 'rant' before he uses it again...

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