Return to Index › Re Indepence for Scotland - yes!
#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-23
Re Indepence for Scotland - yes!

And if you really think private language schools are the root of the problem in China ESl, then you are simply beyond the point of sensible discussion.

They simply should not exist. Often times even the director of studies does not even have a degree in English, let alone a degree at all.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Re Indepence for Scotland - yes!

Except that I have asked questions about the system and I I have looked at the wider picture and at the root causes. You are the one with the tunnel vision and superficial bias which prevents you from looking at things rationally and objectively. And if you really think private language schools are the root of the problem in China ESl, then you are simply beyond the point of sensible discussion.

Quite what your hatred of EF has to do with the indyref in Scotland is another matter... You're like a broken record!

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