Return to Index › Re The value of DELTA compared to an ordinary Master degree is zero!
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-21
Re The value of DELTA compared to an ordinary Master degree is zero!

I did not say you sat A levels again.
Yes, you did... See >>>

meaning that it took 3 years to sit for any A levels she claims to have taken there (I took some A levels at London University in the 1970s as an external candidate after studying b myself for them, and it took me 15 months to prepare and for passing them.

As for the rest of your strawman post... I never said a DELTA was an MA I said it was equivalent to and graded as such. I won't get in to the C/DELTA with you again. You refuse to look at the information provided about it (although curiously admit to having time to look at the courses available at the college I sat an access course at the best part for 20 years ago!), and so again remain willfully ignorant on the topic. I will not repeat myself in order for you to sidestep, strawman and ignore the facts in favour of personal attacks and tired rhetoric.

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