Return to Index › Re The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-29
Re The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

Hardly defamation calling him a tourist-teacher, is it?!
Well, if you are going to ask and answer your own questions?

That's not asking and answering my own question, it's an example of a tag question. A good teacher would have known that!

#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-29
Re The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

Hardly defamation calling him a tourist-teacher, is it?!

Well, if you are going to ask and answer your own questions?

#3 Parent Beth - 2014-09-24
Re The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

If the FT does his 16 classes, turns up in time and the school is happy with his teaching and the way he treats students, then there is nothing wrong with it; it is hard and honest work, and the FT is no tourist looking fora life-long vacation. The latter is nothing else than defaming remark from the original poster of the input above.
So I am defaming the poster by calling him a tourist-teacher, is what you're saying?

So, what should I call a poster who says:

ESL in China is not a job, and I am resolutely not sorry for stating that fact. Your thinking is so small here, it is a hiatus or a holiday, nothing more.

Hardly defamation calling him a tourist-teacher, is it?!

Just a thought, but perhaps you should choose more carefully the poster you defend, in future? Or at least read his posts before saying I'm unjustified in my assessment, otherwise you run the risk of looking a bit silly...

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