Return to Index › Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession
#1 Parent MikeK - 2014-09-27
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

Yes a programme where you can do some good and initiate real grass roots change is good.
Being about corporate profit and shareholder schemes and stuff like EF is not,
supermarket style education as I like call it!!!

I've noticed that Myanmar doesn't have too many Training Centres and refreshingly Myanmar appears to be an EF/Wall Street/Shane Schools free country.

I hope it stays that way, although I guess it is inevitable that EF and the others many sneak in with the humans at some point........

#2 Parent Concerned_Teacher - 2014-09-27
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

Thank you for that link Mike, I will take a good look at that.

Yes a programme where you can do some good and initiate real grass roots change is good. Being about corporate profit and shareholder schemes and stuff like EF is not, supermarket style education as I like call it!!!

Concerned on

#3 Parent MikeK - 2014-09-26
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

Exactly, you say it. And that is the reason why I can't get it that a teacher claiming to
possess all the required qualificatio0ns would ever work for places like EF.
Exactly right. No normal person would ever agree to work for a place under such circumstances
except that they have nowhere else to go. That' common sense!

Exactly right, there are far better places to work such as VSO http://www.vso.org.uk/ who have just sent 22 English teachers to State Teacher Training Colleges in Myanmar for two years and apparently the VSO are still advertising for volunteers in Myanmar.

I note that whilst it is termed volunteering, the volunteers get two stipends (which add up to more than some Training Centres pay) free accommodation, less working hours and British Council support with maybe a progression into the British Council proper afterwards.

Beat that EF and other corporate training school parasites !!!

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