Return to Index › Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession
#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-09-29
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

I don't want to get involved in vulgar language at all or your argument with the other poster. But it has come to my attention that some posters are relying on 'copy&paste' of Chinese pinyin complete with tonal indicators from the Internet. Now if you rely to much on that you(not you personally) may end up with egg on your face because those tones are often incorrect. You will notice that my handle has a second tone and a third- because we have to third tone words together. So the moral of this is don't take for gospel what it says on the Internet. It could well have been written by an idiot. Only joking lol.

#2 Parent Somebody - 2014-09-29
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

We should advise him to look up the meaning of WANGBADAN

No diacritical marks?

After all the fuss you made about them?

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