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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-09-30
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

But in countries and societies with clean, transparent government there is less chance of corruption than in the corporate/private sector.
Please do enlighten me, I would love to know what countries you consider to have clean, transparent governments!
#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-30
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

because government institutions aren't ever involved in corruption, bribery or unethical practices, are they?!

But in countries and societies with clean, transparent government there is less chance of corruption than in the corporate/private sector.

#3 Parent Beth - 2014-09-30
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

Let's put it straight: They do not seem to be the kind of independent bodies that you want to make them! Only government institutions are! Period.
Yes, because government institutions aren't ever involved in corruption, bribery or unethical practices, are they?! It's mind boggling the twists you make to your 'points' rather than just concede you don't know everything about every private school in the world!
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