Return to Index › Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession
#1 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-30
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

You were the one to start name-calling and insulting in the first place.


#2 Parent Beth - 2014-09-30
Re: The problem of helpless helpers in the teaching profession

It seems you don't like us. No need for that.
You were the one to start name-calling and insulting in the first place. You set the tone, you made it us vs them. Don't try to put that on me.

But why the hell did you work for EF if you don't "like" it? I/we don't like EF either, but I/we have never worked for that place. There is something that doesn't fit in. Circular logic or simply contradicting yourself? Look at yourself first
I went to work for EF as I had a friend who worked at EF Malta and had sung it's praises, I wanted to experience China and I wasn't aware that there were the huge issues with how China runs ESL centres until after my arrival, as I am sure is true for the vast majority of teachers arriving in China for the first time. I went to work at a second EF after meeting and liking the DoS, who was then forced out by management 6 months in to my contract which prompted my own leaving. Having had more than enough in those 6 months of unethical treatment of students and hiring of tourist-teachers who didn't have the first clue about teaching.

There is nothing circular or contradictory there. I dislike EF based on personal experience, you dislike EF based on nothing but bias and so when dishing out your pearls of wisdom, you fail to take in to account the individual cases that challenge the norm. I find this irresponsible and unhelpful, I would only ever comment on the places I have personal experience of as my opinion on any other place is just that, opinion with no basis in fact.

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