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#1 Parent MikeK - 2014-10-02
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

Who is I?

Sounds like a mistake a certain non-native English speaker might make!

I stand corrected by your amazing attention to detail.

#2 Parent Somebody - 2014-10-02
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

This is the last time I shall answer the paranoia on who is I.

Who is I?

Sounds like a mistake a certain non-native English speaker might make!


#3 Parent WhoKnows - 2014-10-02
Re: Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

(wo)Man is a make-believe animal: he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part.

William Hazlitt

#4 Parent MikeK - 2014-10-02
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

Ahhh, MikeK IS Turnoi!!

OK... Let's make one thing prefectly clear..


Do or did I ever ask anyone whether they are someone else? Could I care if people are multiple identites?

NO to both questions

This is the last time I shall answer the paranoia on who is I.

I am MikeK - I am not anyone else but MikeK

I am off to Ethiopia at the weekend, so if I don't post anything for a while - that doesn't mean that I have

(a) given up through being someone else
(b) changed my keyboard to one with an EF logo
(c) changed my opinion on Training Centres
(e) given up on my attempt to produce Illuminatus style enlightenment upon Training centres

I am actually travelling to Heathrow thence to Bole airport then will have a week or two settling in and when I am there I will be adding an email address but also promise that when I add an email address any stupid or abusive emails I receive will be posted here and reported accordingly to the email provider.

I hope I am clear now


#5 Parent MikeK - 2014-10-02
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

I fully agree with everything you just said about TBC, MikeK. Read my post again and you'll
find I was quoting what your good chum Turnoi had to say about TBC!! So perhaps direct
your corrections to him, not me!

Read it again, without the blinkers on, and come back to me!

Surely if you reply to a posting by myself, I will have the reasonable assumption that the content is directed to myself

Turnoi is perfectly entitled to express his own opinions whether on not he agrees with me about the British Council is neither her nor there, although the TBC posting was related to enable a contrast opinion regarding the TBC and the EF Academy with it's affiliation to a supposed Degree Mill.

I hope that clears that up

#6 Parent Beth - 2014-10-01
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

I fully agree with everything you just said about TBC, MikeK. Read my post again and you'll find I was quoting what your good chum Turnoi had to say about TBC!! So perhaps direct your corrections to him, not me!

Read it again, without the blinkers on, and come back to me!

#7 Parent Beth - 2014-10-01
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

But I'm sure that students trust one of the 70 TBC owned schools far more than a Training Centre awarded with a row of good behaviour lollipops.
Ahhh, MikeK IS Turnoi!!
#8 Parent MikeK - 2014-10-01
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

because they are a regulatory body, awarding degrees is not what they are supposed to do!!

My post did not say that TBC award degrees this is because the only institutions in UK who can legally issue degrees must hold a Royal Charter.

I said that students can get (I assume unbiased) information for students considering further education which would be a lot more reliable than the EF Academy.

TBC affiliated with businesses.... Would an example of such an affiliation with business be the British Council and The World Bank who are jointly backing social enterprise in Morroco

"A joint initiative could lead to more social enterprises like Sanady – a school for the children of local factory workers, and could fill a range of gaps in Moroccan public service"


Yes., TBC is indeed a UK Government funded body and will therefore reflect the good governance of the UK's Ministry of Education and as such any inspections of accredited schools can be relied upon. It is a sad fact that TBC accredit Training Centres - I'm not making excuses for this, personally I don't agree with TBC accredting Training Centres.

But I'm sure that students trust one of the 70 TBC owned schools far more than a Training Centre awarded with a row of good behaviour lollipops.

#9 Parent Beth - 2014-10-01
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

Personally I would advise prospective students to visit http://www.britishcouncil.org/education where the student can get the information for free from a real regulatory authority and not an Association for Friends
Ooh, you want to check that with your buddy Turnoi? When I pointed out the schools I work for in Europe are affiliated with TBC he scoffed and said that wasn't worth anything and TBC carried no weight... Perhaps, then, it's not me who doesn't know what a regulatory body is! A few gems from your buddy from when I said pretty much what I've quoted you saying here in regards to TBC...

The British Council is just a government funded organization to promote UK culture

The British Council has no or only little academic recognition in education

And my personal favourite
The British Council is mostly affiliated with private businesses and cannot award degrees themselves.
because they are a regulatory body, awarding degrees is not what they are supposed to do!!

But please do continue contradicting each other, yet still patting each other on the back! It's rather amusing watching you show each other up over your lack of actual knowledge on a subject. Plus it saves me having to do it!

#10 Parent MikeK - 2014-10-01
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry!

And here is something truly scary.

From September 2014 EF are now an Academy with a super slick web site except the photographs on the slick EF Academy web site are mostly of white students and they can't be actual EF students because if they were then the pictures would carry soem kind of EF trademarks

“The most powerful thing we do at EF is believe in our students.”
Mark Seman, President, EF Academy

First thing I looked for is some kind of accreditation (important for students who are paying out big bucks) and found very little, except for the University placements which are in a "partnership" with the oh so well known Hult International Business School

Which leads me to
Where one can see mostly "paid for " Associations.

And then John Bear (Degree Mill Finder General) http://www.quackwatch.com/04ConsumerEducation/dm0.html who says to search for accreditation on http://www.chea.org

Where Hult are accredited by an Association http://www.chea.org/search/actionInst.asp?accredID=1;New%20England%20Association%20of%20Schools%20and%20Colleges
Except that the Association listed on CHEA isn't listed on https://www.hult.edu/en/about-hult/accreditations

All I can say is


Personally I would hope advise prospective students to visit http://www.britishcouncil.org/education where the student can get the information for free from a real regulatory authority and not an Association for Friends.

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