Return to Index › Re Beijing To Tighten Up on Deechers, and more needs to be done!
#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-03
Re Beijing To Tighten Up on Deechers, and more needs to be done!

You didn't think Turnoi was going to let something as insignificant as facts get in the way of an opportunity for him to try and insult me, did you?! ;)

#2 Parent Walking Dead - 2014-10-03
Re Beijing To Tighten Up on Deechers, and more needs to be done!

I believe it is 2 years for ESL.

I posted something similar here a couple of weeks ago


I guess our resident expert on all things ESL was too busy trying to tickle Beth and pull her hair to notice such details.

#3 Parent Somebody - 2014-10-02
Re Beijing To Tighten Up on Deechers, and more needs to be done!

As I understand it, the five-year requirement is just for teaching subjects.

But there are conflicting sources about this. My source makes more sense.

But you are going to argue about this. I look forward to your illogic.

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