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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-03
Re No full value for ESL

But one thing is for sure: Your degree focus in English Literature, whether from Colchester Institute or Durham Uni, is of limited value in ESL as well as in public education at genuine, decent schools
It really is like talking to a brick wall! I went to CI to do an access course which afforded me entry to Durham to sit a BA in English Literature.

Look at the components of a literature course, it has lots of value for teaching ESL, particularly so given the huge amount of writing compositions that are required at CAE and Proficiency levels, not to mention the amount of academic reading from FCE upwards that require detailed analysis of text.

Now, if you've quite finished making yourself look silly on yet another topic you know little about, shall we move on from the foolish notion that an English Literature degree has no value for teaching English?!

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