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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English"

I have no point to prove, I just stated that as a real professor with real qualifications, appropriate experience and education at heart for those in need, you can go wherever you want to teach or build a school and that you don't need the kind of pretence that the Chinese education system unfortunately still offers for making look underqualified Western expats look better than they actually are.
Hypothetical Question: if you are a qualfied teacher, with real qualifications and experience and have education at heart and you can go wherever you want to teach, why do you disagree so much with the choice of that person to work at a TC in China? Surely by your above reasoning it is personal choice where they teach? Their personal choice then should not be vilified or undermined, surely? If somebody would like to make an attempt to bring real teaching to language mill in China, should that not be their choice and one that a fellow educator should understand? Surely a person with education in their hearts would rather a good teacher attempt to bring quality learning to a school, than said school simply hire another 'deecher' who does nothing but add to the systemic problems?

In one of your earlier posts, you have mentioned a teacher waiting for his visa in China who is in urgent need of a job. I first was inclined to offer my assistance, but after a little while I came to think that this post must have been another charade from the same poster we all have known as The Wanker aka Mancunian aka Veloce, etc.
You have accused every man and his dog of being the same person, myself included, and considering how tetchy you get if anyone suggests you might be posting under aliases, it's completely hypocritical for you to continue doing it to others. More than one person can disagree with you without it having to be the same person in disguise!

and given your proven attitude "the progress of my students is not one of my priorities", I would even say that decent schools should refuse admission of people like you in their programmes of English teacher training. You should better depend on your "dear trainuing centre" and get them another fake degree/TEFL diploma printed for you.
Again, given that your chum CT has said as much when it comes to concern over his students, it's hypocritical to lambast one but not the other. Either be consistent in your condemnation, or say nothing at all.

All the other bits on African students and non-native speakers you have written attest to your cultural-chauvinist attitude paired with a racist undertone. That's one of the reasons why people like you are mostly not welcome in these nations.
There was nothing racist, overt or covert, in his posts? Questioning the persons assessing and teaching those students is not racist nor is it culturally insensitive.

I see absolutely nothing whatever you have personally contributed positively to the board community on here. Most likely, you haven*t in your real life either for the benefit of others.

But there is nothing for such people like you to be proud of as you have been the kind of losers in your personal lives that you actually are and shown to be.

This is what I mean when I say you cannot discuss a point without resulting to insults. This whole segment is wholly unnecessary and utterly without foundation. You cannot make assessments about a person's life based on a handful of internet posts! Insults cloaked in armchair psychology that achieves nothing in a discussion except to lower the tone.
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