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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

Yes, I'm sorry to tell you, Turnoi does have a point.

Glad to know you think quaint little old english lit is bootiful.

Tell me which poster is living proof that her English grammar is far far superior to the chap with linguistic qualifications? In my experience she would owe a lot of her grammatical expertise to a good grounding in English Literature. You do need to be able to string a well constructed sentence together whatever you teach in university. We know Beth can better than any of us; and certainly better than a certain linguist. She can give you a contest maybe?

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

Sorry, cant totally agree with that. Literature degree is ok if you want to just teach literature. That's fine. If you want to teach at university level you need comprehensive knowledge. That only comes with experience. A teaching degree or degree in linguistics would be useful. I'm not saying that literature is crap, I even think some Victorian era English lit is beautiful.

Who said anything about teaching at University level? The majority of ESl work is YL teaching (under 18) and that excludes university!

Literature focuses on analysis of text, use of English grammar and vocabulary and understanding of context, all of which is vital for the understanding of a second language. Especially so when considering exams such as Cambridge ESOL and/or IELTS, all of which include large sections of writing compositions and detailed analysis and comprehension of texts.

As I have said, linguistics is also important, but you cannot write off the relevance of a literature degree, either. Look at the components of a literature degree and you will understand what I'm saying. I'd go so far as to say for teaching A1-C1 ESL, knowing how to analyse a text is more important than knowing how English developed as a language!

So no. In short Turnoi does not have a point.

#3 Parent Shane - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

Sorry, cant totally agree with that. Literature degree is ok if you want to just teach literature. That's fine. If you want to teach at university level you need comprehensive knowledge. That only comes with experience. A teaching degree or degree in linguistics would be useful. I'm not saying that literature is crap, I even think some Victorian era English lit is beautiful.

Can't teach it every class at Asian universities however.

Yes, I'm sorry to tell you, Turnoi does have a point.

#4 Parent Beth - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

There is no 'point' to fit any shoe, Turnoi!

English Literature is a perfectly relevant degree to hold for teaching ESL. Cambridge university is a perfectly ethical, internationally recognised ESL course/exam body. You are the one disputing these facts.

I haven't slandered CT by repeating what he said about himself.

You really are grasping at straws now!

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