Return to Index › new hope is actually no hope - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent frank andrews - 2006-04-04
new hope was lost hope! - Teachers discussion

Last summer I worked for a Taiwanese bimbo in Kunshan, East China, that ran a ****hole mini-learning center. What a racket! Top ten most devious people on Earth! Deceptive, dishonest, didn't pay. Couldn't keep staff more than a few days or weeks. Her 4th try in China to have a school. I considered it my "volunteer" assignment, because I never got paid. I know she went out of business, but never knew where she went.
Does this sound familiar to you?

#2 Parent Rheno747 - 2006-03-15
Tell us more..... - Teachers discussion

How did you get scammed into going to this place? What happened while you were there? How did the couple 'act like devils'?

There is a site out there someplace that lists all the schools that can legally employ foreign teachers in China. There are tens of thousands of schools in China, yet that list is very, very short.

I'd stick to working for just the schools on that list.

blessed one - 2006-03-14
new hope is actually no hope - Teachers discussion

I just wanna warn evryone about this school in the north of China, claiming to be the best and pretending to be nice and good to all foreigners but in reality they are craps. The couple who are the owners of the school are trying to be angels in the devils body. So if you got an offer from this place, particularly NEW HOPE, you should think twice. It's like living in hell, being in that school.

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