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#1 Parent Shane - 2014-10-08
Re "The Englishes of English"

It's funny how if anybody new posts on here you automatically think they must be SB ( I assume you mean Silverboy ) or San Mig or CT, Turnoi or somebody else. Only think I have in common with SB is that I'm also an Aussie.

Some posters on here seem to have similar points of view, if the agree it does not mean they are one and the same person. I don't always agree with Silverboy or Turnoi, some of what they say though is spot on.

What I'm saying is that yes, even Cambrigdge can and does f..k up sometimes. And just because a Chinese school affiliates itself with Cambridge, Oxford, or Harvard, it really means nothing. Another point you chose to overlook.

Im not SB or San Mig, or Turnoi, or CT, or whatever you think. I think SB is in Korea, was chasing a woman there or something, dunno, I don't follow his posts on a regular basis these days. Certain people have claimed he is in China somewhere, I suppose he will let us know at some time.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-07
Re "The Englishes of English"

Cambridge "makes stuff up", do they? Really? Please expand on this... What do they make up? Do you have any proof of this?

No, thought not.

Now you're either CT or SB, have the guts to post under your usual name.

#3 Parent Shane - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"


Fails to realize that even Cambridge can make stuff-ups, and that a school in China saying it is affiliated with Cambridge means nothing. In fact, Chinese schools that claim to be linked in some way to famous Western universities are usually rubbish!

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