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#1 Parent Shane - 2014-10-10
Re Deecher is not a word

Good to have me back? huh! This is my what, third post? Back from what or where?

#2 Parent BeenThere - 2014-10-08
Re Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent

Video about this case on CNN (link below): The Americans don't like their gov't stealing a person's identity in order to create a Facebook account (no matter for what reason). I hope you can find the same level of public outrage in Europe that will offer you the support to go to the end of this story if you so wish.

#3 Parent Beth - 2014-10-08
Re Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent

Very interesting. I'll forward them the emails from LinkedIn, see if they can be of any help.

Thank you for finding this :)

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2014-10-08
Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent

I am still outraged about the malicious creation of an unauthorized LinkedIn account. Although the facts in the BBC article below are different, there is an interesting parallel in the fact that a women in the US is suing the US government for having done the same. There must be an agency in Europe like the US-based Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), that can represent the victim of such a crime.

Woman sues US government over fake Facebook page

The Department of Justice acknowledged that one of its agents had created the page without telling Sondra Arquiett.

Ms Arquiett said she was not, however, notified that this operation would involve the creation of a "publicly available" Facebook page in the name of Sondra Prince, an alias she used.

Ms Arquiett said the action had breached her rights to privacy, equal protection under the law and due process, and has demanded more than $250,000 (£155,560) in damages.

The US government acknowledged that Mr Sinnigen [government agent] had created the page and had used it to send a "friend" request to a wanted fugitive as well as accepting requests from others, but denied it had been made "publicly available" in a wider sense.

Regarding the wider allegation, the US government stated that Ms Arquiett had "relinquished any expectation of privacy she may have had to photographs on her cell phone" when she agreed to let officers search and use information on the device.

However, it acknowledged that she "did not give express permission for the use of photographs contained on her phone on an undercover Facebook page".

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a US-based online privacy campaign group, has described the government's rationale as being "laughable".

But legal experts have said that the case might hang on exactly what Ms Arquiett had consented to.

Facebook's terms and conditions state that users cannot create accounts for others without permission, but a spokeswoman for the firm declined to comment on this specific instance."

#5 Parent Beth - 2014-10-07
Re Deecher is not a word

I did answer the question. You said why do I blame FTs and behave like a 'lackey' and I replied because who else do I blame for having a dire attitude towards their students but the teacher? You have a duty of care and if you fail in that there I'd nobody else to home but the teacher, no matter where you work.

I also said that if a school was cheating it's students then I would have plenty to say to them also, and have done so in the past.

I also said if you believe behaving like a professional teacher is synonymous with being a lackey, then you are in the wrong job.

I agree that low wages and visa issues are bad practice, and I have never defended it so I see no reason to start now. I don't expect real life issues to never encroach on your standard of teaching, but again this is different to purposefully dropping the ball of your own accord. I didn't overlook these points in tour last post, you didn't make.them, just accused me of siding with Chinese employers which is not the case in the slightest as you well know. Yes, there are unethical Chinese schools, no I do not support them, yes I think a teacher (a real one) has the final responsibility for delivering a good balanced lesson. End of story.

#6 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-07
Re Deecher is not a word

You did not answer the qustion Beth. Avoidance will not give you credibilty. I spoke about crappy Chinese schools paying teachers rubbish salaries and putting them in very sub-standard accommodation that is very uncomfortable and then expecting them to work long hours.

You came thundering back, Shane, suggesting that English Literature was second rate compared to qualifications in linguistics if you want to work in universities. LG was good enough to give you a lengthy reply, initially stating that she had not been talking about universities and pointing out that you don't know a lot about English Lit degrees and so forth. Now it is you not doing the answering; you have decided it prudent to drop that one like a hot coal and sink your teeth into another part of her anatomy to see if that works any better. Anyway, my publisher (some bum in the park) is moaning hahaha, so I'll be back in a couple of weeks. Good to have you back by the way. You're a character.
#7 Parent Shane - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

You did not answer the qustion Beth. Avoidance will not give you credibilty. I spoke about crappy Chinese schools paying teachers rubbish salaries and putting them in very sub-standard accommodation that is very uncomfortable and then expecting them to work long hours.

You see Beth, that is what I call unprofessional ( on the Chinese side ) We could talk about visa stuff-ups and contract violations also, but I 'd be here all day. How do you expect anyone to teach well when they are constantly tired and have to spend most of their time rectifying problems with their apartments?

Yes, you convieniently overlooked those points in my last post. You are not Chinese, stop defending unethical Chinese work practices. Most problems in ESL are on the employer side, not the employee side. It's obvious that you have not been around in ESL for long or you would have noticed this glaringly obvious point.

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

That's because he is familiar. Shane is a popular name in Australia. One of the troops has arrived to help out Hahaha!

#9 Parent Beth - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

Beth, you sound like one of those foreign women teachers who blame other foreign teachers for everything, especially Western men. Whose side are you on? You are not a Chinese so stop behaving like a lackey.
How so? Because I expect a teacher to do their best for their students? Who else should I blame but the teacher if their attitude is to do as little as possible and not really care about what their students are learning?

I couldn't give a toss about what gender you are. Male or female, if you are a teacher your priority should be your students education, not getting out of the office as quickly as possible so as to maximise your own free time, or turning up to class with a raging hangover because you went out on the piss the night before you were due to teach. That is irresponsible and unprofessional. This is just common sense and frankly, it shouldn't need saying (again, for the umpteenth time).

If you believe having dedication and commitment to doing the best job you can for your students constitutes a 'lackey' then you are clearly in the wrong profession.

I have had PLENTY to say to schools I have worked at when I don't think they are putting the students first either! I don't care who is to blame, FT or school management of any nationality, the priority should be the students and whoever drops the ball on that will incur my ire.

Hmmmm, dismal attitude towards the Chinese, bringing up gender issues and making out I have a problem with western men... Shane, you sound awfully familiar...

#10 Parent Shane - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

Well, if Chinese people want foreigners to work/teach for shit money and long hours and put them in crappy apartments, the "free" accommodation, then yes you will get loafers or "leechers". However it is the Chinese who are the leech if want to exploit FT's. Pay people decent wages and put them in decent apartments with a generous accommodation allowance.

If Chinese were to lift their game more foreign teachers would go to China. Right now there is not much incentive. Beth, you sound like one of those foreign women teachers who blame other foreign teachers for everything, especially Western men. Whose side are you on? You are not a Chinese so stop behaving like a lackey.

#11 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

'leacher' would be more viable?

Absolutely, you can see a relationship there.

#12 Parent Beth - 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word

Surly if one were to invent a word that defined a lazy, incompetent teacher, teaching only to generate income to fund an extended holidays with no real regard for the students in their care, then 'leacher' would be more viable? The combination of 'leech: one that sucks parasitically' and teacher?!

I've always loathed 'deecher', it means nothing!

#13 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-06
Deecher is not a word

Wow, that is a new low, digging into rock bottom.

Normaly, squabbling :( with the deecher results in publishing some of your details - like current location or school - and threats of legal action.

I agree. But 'deecher' is not a word and lacks the components to ever make a word. It has no sparkle. A labourer could have invented it. Now this following quote is so bad it's good. Only native-born speakers should take liberties with words and you can tell 'deecher' was not invented by one of those. By Churchill "up with this I will not put." Bad grammar, splendid English.

#14 Parent Beth - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

I'm on FB as I find it a good way to keep in touch with friends and family around the world and nothing else! I dabbled in Twitter but didn't like it! I try to keep abreast of all social networks and fads as it helps when teaching teens to be current!

I think we're starting to see the cracks in the facade, if you claim to be an authority on all things ESL, or at least act like one, but have little in the way of actual experience or knowledge in certain areas, it isn't too long before the walls come crashing down.

For example, he's now moved on from his silly crusade against Eng.Lit degrees to the web sillier issue of the ethics of Cambridge university and it's ESOL department!

#15 Parent legaleagle - 2014-10-06
Re: Re Support for Beth

Wow, that is a new low, digging into rock bottom.

Normaly, squabbling :( with the deecher results in publishing some of your details - like current location or school - and threats of legal action.

#16 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English"

I got suspicious when Turnoi mentioned my profile on LinkedIn but I'd never been on the site myself, so I did my own search and lo and behold,

It was very good of him to have pointed it out to you. Just goes to show though, what you can stumble across on the Internet, if you hit it hard enough. In fact ,I'm thinking of making a name for myself on a rocket scientists' forum, and i reckon I should be able to copy&paste enough to get respect and acclaim.

Regarding these sites for the moronic masses. I am thoroughly glad I made a decision years ago to have nothing to do with the likes of 'facebook.' As for twitter and stuff, I don't even know what it looks like- it just all seems very unsavoury. Wasn't calling you a moron by the way.

#17 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth

Posting links to the NYT might just increase hatred of men, and lesbianism [edited]

#18 Parent Curious - 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth


#19 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth

Liberal media? That's spreading feminist agenda and we can't be having that! ;)

#20 Parent Curious - 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth

Me too!!!!!
I used to quote on this board articles related to education or to China from the New York Times, which is, as we know, liberal. You should have seen the outraged replies of some conservative posters....

#21 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re Support for Beth

Thanks, guys. It means a lot :)

#22 Parent BeenThere - 2014-10-05
Support for Beth

Beth: I join my voice to those who deplore what was done to you. It is totally unacceptable. If you ever hear rumors about whodunnit, please share info through private emails with the mods of this site (their email address appears on the contact page I believe).

#23 Parent Fifi - 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English"

I hear that most of the moderators on this site are women and did not like at all to read, day after day, the diatribes of some posters. I hear that one poster got banned. And that the mods do not any longer bother labeling "[edited]" a whole post that is considered unacceptable: They simply delete it. Hopefully, there will be some improvement on this board regarding the status of women in a modern world. Thank you for fighting for us, Beth.

#24 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English"

No, all they could tell me was that it didn't originate in Spain and that it was set up on 11th September. It wouldn't make any difference anyway, no law against it, it's just morally reprehensible...

But I'm over it now, no harm done really, just pitiful that it happened at all.

It's a shame people can't have a discussion without having to stoop quite so low, but given the opinions about women expressed by some posters here, I'm not all that shocked! Being shown up by a woman must have been quite the bitter pill.

On the plus side, I could have contacted MTV to be on their Catfish program! It's all the rage with the kids these days!

#25 Parent Fifi - 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English"

I am sorry about that.
Whomever did it is real mean and real medieval. A name comes to my mind but I will keep my peace.
Would LinkedIn tell you from what country the fake was posted? If they would/could, that would be very helpful.
What happened to you is the modern media version of e-burning at the stake of the "witches" of the Middle Ages (Joan of Arc included) and of more recent times in America. Those women had healing or social/political power and had gained some de facto public acknowledgement/recognition at a time when the men of the Catholic church had all the power and did not want to share an iota. This mentality in 2014 is still alive and well on the internet like it is in with ISIS, Boko Aram, etc

#26 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English"

I have to say when I found it I did go slightly mental! My poor friend who was with me bore the brunt of my ranting until I calmed down! But the customer service staff at the website were very helpful and the page was removed within 12 hours of me finding it. First I was livid, then sickened and finally quite flattered that in order to best me they had to go to such trouble!

But I did feel quite violated at the time! Such is the price, I suppose, of standing up to bullies!

#27 Parent Fifi - 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English"

Very sad to read something like that, Beth.

#28 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English"

. I shouldn't worry though, they are not real stalkers, they just wanted to discredit you.
Well, one of them went to the extent of creating a fake LinkedIn profile using an old profile picture they must have lifted from facebook! I had to contact LinkedIn and notify them it wasn't me and have them close the account. Which they did after seeing the IP that set up the account last month wasn't in Spain! I got suspicious when Turnoi mentioned my profile on LinkedIn but I'd never been on the site myself, so I did my own search and lo and behold, there "I" was! I didn't say anything about it on here as I can't prove who it was, but I have my suspicions! I also figured if that was the lengths they were willing to go in their little quest to discredit me, I had already won!

#29 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English"

I'm not keen on involving myself with pondering over the authenticity of claimed qualifications. Mainly because of how my two little stalkers digging in to my background made me feel (violated, so you know) and although I know that I have the qualifications I say, without posting pictures of me holding the actual notarized certificates, (along with a newspaper for date authentication and a big sign saying 'yes Turnoi, this is really me') nobody else can be 100% sure... And I can tell you know, that isn't happening! So I see very little point in lowering myself to the standards of Turnoi et al in pointing accusing fingers at their claims of qualifications. I judge solely on how they carry themselves in their posts, and in that they fall miserably short. Either by lack of due dedication to their chosen career, or by their sometimes quite horrific use/understanding of the English language.

It was obvious that you were telling the truth right from the word go. I shouldn't worry though, they are not real stalkers, they just wanted to discredit you. Why they bothered is because they are thick.
#30 Parent Beth - 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English"

When we talk about free degrees issued in Africa somewhere(run by an ex non-native speaking ft) for English
This intrigues me... Who supervised the English use in these degrees? We have already seen proof that Turnoi is wont to confuse standard definitions of words and misuse standard English grammar. And with such an excuse tucked away as 'it's descriptive grammar!' how does one ever judge if it truly is 'descriptive' or just a learned mistake passed on from misuse by the teacher?

Very interesting, and merits further discussion. I would say a fully trained and qualified native speaker is the only option for assessing use of English, personally.

Who supplied the detailed list to which you refer? Did you by any chance? Having said that, I am not saying you have not done a lot of what you say you have; but there's no proof, is there?

I'm not keen on involving myself with pondering over the authenticity of claimed qualifications. Mainly because of how my two little stalkers digging in to my background made me feel (violated, so you know) and although I know that I have the qualifications I say, without posting pictures of me holding the actual notarized certificates, (along with a newspaper for date authentication and a big sign saying 'yes Turnoi, this is really me') nobody else can be 100% sure... And I can tell you know, that isn't happening! So I see very little point in lowering myself to the standards of Turnoi et al in pointing accusing fingers at their claims of qualifications. I judge solely on how they carry themselves in their posts, and in that they fall miserably short. Either by lack of due dedication to their chosen career, or by their sometimes quite horrific use/understanding of the English language.
#31 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English"

You may see from the details in list of ESL-related theses I have supervised that the students were from all over the world. And the school i was working for and where they got their Master degree from was our college in Kenya with several branches in other countries that was given a university charter by the Kenyan Ministry of Education. I am one of the co-founders of this school and was working for it full-time from 2004-2011 (and then only part-time from 2011 - 2014) as a volunteer.

It's all a bit like Christians proving the verity of the Bible and that God exists. They usually find the proof by cross -referencing that a truth is a truth in the New Testament because it tallies in some way with what is written in the Old Testament. Of course the same type of weird old men had read the Old Testament before writing the new one. Who supplied the detailed list to which you refer? Did you by any chance? Having said that, I am not saying you have not done a lot of what you say you have; but there's no proof, is there? And the Chinese claims are stretching things a tad; is that true?

When we talk about free degrees issued in Africa somewhere(run by an ex non-native speaking ft) for English, I am sure they are all legal and would just about get you a job at some rubbish outfit in China; but you can forget about the good schools in China. And teaching English in The UK would be a pipe dream. Is that a fair assessment?

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