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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-13
Re How Do You Find Information?

Depending on the level, I think there is room for all teaching methods

Yep, and I think it would be a mistake to leave out the occasional ting1xie3; especially if you want to get some concentration going. Of course in addition they will have a record of what's been dictated for future reference. So the ting1xie3 would obviate the need for some handouts. Dictation can be made interesting. And I do like them handed in to be marked. In fact I like to walk around the class while I'm dictating and see how they're doing.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-13
Re How Do You Find Information?

Depending on the level, I think there is room for all teaching methods.

I use handouts or PPTs when introducing or consolidating a tricky grammar point; there's a wonderful photo-copyable resource 'Visual Grammar' that is invaluable when it comes to YL teaching. Handouts do certainly have their place, they provide a record of work for students and can help with learners who like to have a reference point when studying. It is possible to rely too heavily on handouts; they should never replace the teacher as the method of delivering the learning, they should be used as a compliment to the lesson only. The same is true for PPTs. If you are good at making them, they can be a wonderful interactive tool that can really benefit a lesson.

With kinaesthetic learners, handouts/PPTs can be a hindrance, so using methods such as DOGME and TPR are much better for them.

You're never going to have a class that all learns in the same way, so I find a balanced mix of visual, aural and physical deliverance to be the most effective way of ensuring language acquisition.

I personally like to have a physical lesson plan as this acts not only as a rudder throughout the lesson, but helps me to focus prior to class about where I want the lesson to go and acts as a record of work after the fact. Most regulated schools will require that lesson plans are kept for a period of time (sometimes years) for auditing purposes, also. I not only plan individual lessons, but at the start of each term I skeletal forward plan the term so I can be sure I know that I'm covering all the relevant parts of the course, this is especially beneficial for classes taking exams at the end of the academic year.

As for resources that I use, again it very much depends on the age and ability level. For young, low level learners I use mainly my own created resources as I know what works and what doesn't. I also use starfall.com quite frequently with them.

I don't really use public libraries as there's not a huge amount of relevant material for ESL teaching in the local Spanish library! Again, I mainly use my own personally created materials, although I do find the Mary Glasgow set of publications to be incredibly helpful.

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