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#1 Parent SGL - 2014-10-16
Re How Do You Find Information?

It is true that if you like your job you will always be happy. Teaching is ok, depending on where you teach. Teaching is China is not a vocation or career though, anyone who thinks so is deluding themselves. Better not to teach or work in China if you are a foreigner, it's ok just to live there and have a good time though, that's about it. For the older guys it is good if you are semi-retired or retired, I think that Silverboy poster said that once also, in that instance I must agree with him.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-14
Re How Do You Find Information?

Confucius said something like: " Do a job that you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Couldn't agree more! I love teaching and it's why I get so angry on here when I see the mockery some people make of my chosen profession!

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