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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-18
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

Well, what a horribly misogynistic view that is! What has the fact you considered her cute and pretty got to do with anything? Or your perception of her character for that matter? That post says nothing informative about the 'entitlement mentality' and everything about your mentality when it comes to Chinese girls.

Not to mention racist! Women the world over like expensive and pretty jewellery. Much the same as men the world over like expensive watches or luxury cars. It's not just the people in China. People the world over see pretty things and want them, it's the nature of humans, not just Chinese girls. I lived there for two years and met my fair share of 'entitled' girls, but I have met equally as many in Europe. The horrific generalisations on this board steamroller ahead.

A girl in Guangxi province with a crappy job certainly does not deserve expensive jewelery,
Why is that? Because she lives in Guanxi or because she had a crappy job? Why does a girl there deserve nice things less than somebody who was lucky enough to have born in to wealth? What a horrible choice of word 'deserve' is.

I don't understand why the mods let through racist drivel like your post. It has nothing of value to add to anyone. [edited]

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