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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-20
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

If I am indeed implying that she is stupid, I'm just glad that she was stupid enough to fall for me :D .

Oh how sweet. Do you need to manually wind a handle on the back, or did she come with batteries-hahaha. As long as she's not made in hong kong; it could be embarrassing when the fao comes in for tea, and this voice starts echoing from the cupboard-'oh my we are a big boy...oh my we are a big boy...oh my we are a big boy...oh my......'lol

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-10-20
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

If I am indeed implying that she is stupid, I'm just glad that she was stupid enough to fall for me :D .

#3 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-10-19
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

Great to see you Silverboy...

She is probably just a silly young girl who doesn't know what is important in life yet. Try to be forgiving.

If I splashed out that much money on my gf for a gift, she'd actually be angry about me needlessly wasting money and would point that she can easily afford to buy such things by herself. She values creative gifts and once said that the best gift she ever received were two cute looking plastic cat keyrings that I gave her. I didn't pay a penny for them, I won them in a competition on the street that I entered just for a bit of fun (to promote a cafe) and saved the little prizes for her because I thought that she would like them. She told me that she found these kinds of gifts far more touching than flashy, expensive crap that other men had bought her in the past.

Now you are making matters much worse, implying that women are really stupid "

She told me that she found these kinds of gifts far more touching than flashy, expensive crap that other men had bought her in the past."
Hahahaha! Did you concoct that little anecdote in the bath, with a pint of baijiu? hahaha! The expression 'tell that to the marines' comes to mind lol. However, glad you're back.
#4 Parent John O' Shei - 2014-10-19
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

Great to see you Silverboy...

She is probably just a silly young girl who doesn't know what is important in life yet. Try to be forgiving.

If I splashed out that much money on my gf for a gift, she'd actually be angry about me needlessly wasting money and would point that she can easily afford to buy such things by herself. She values creative gifts and once said that the best gift she ever received were two cute looking plastic cat keyrings that I gave her. I didn't pay a penny for them, I won them in a competition on the street that I entered just for a bit of fun (to promote a cafe) and saved the little prizes for her because I thought that she would like them. She told me that she found these kinds of gifts far more touching than flashy, expensive crap that other men had bought her in the past.

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