Return to Index › Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality
#1 Parent Walking Dead - 2014-10-20
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

Yet you do not question my assessment of your misogyny... So at least we have that cleared up!

That's a bit unfair because he probably doesn't understand what the term means

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-20
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

Your accusations of racism made me laugh

Yet you do not question my assessment of your misogyny... So at least we have that cleared up!

To suggest all Chinese women are greedy and entitled and not deserving of nice things is a little bit racist. At the very least it's a horrific generalisation.

the only time you would buy an expensive gift like that for a Chinese woman is possibly as an engagement present, but you would not spend 4700 rmb on it, WTF!

You wouldn't spend the equivalent of $500 on an engagement present for your betrothed? Well, aren't you a catch!
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