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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-23
Re Chinese women and the entitlement mentality

None of that is actually qualifying how those views are 'extreme' though, are they?

1) Myself, Turnoi and other teachers on here don't have sex with our students, or I should say did not when we were teaching.
But you have defended the practice. Again, please explain how my saying teachers shouldn't have sex with their student is an extreme view.

2) Older teachers did not come to China to be overworked: It is a semi-retirement for them. I've said it many times. The older foreigners have already worked hard in their own countries before. Sure, do your three and a half days a week at a university, do a proper lesson plan, but that's it. Got no problem with that, never have had.
Doing the bare minimum is lazy, unprofessional and cheating your students. If you want to do an easy job, don't go in to teaching!
Again, please explain why expecting a good standard of teaching and actually putting some care and thought in to each classes lesson is an extreme view.

3) Come to classes drunk? Never ever seen it, and I've never done it, not in China or anywhere else. Never seen a drunk foreign teacher ( in class I mean )
I have personally seen it on many an occasion in China and your chum CT admitted it happens frequently in the public school he works/ed for.
Again, please explain how expecting a teacher to not be drunk or very hungover when in class is an extreme view.

4) Never said poor people have no value, however a Chinese woman earning 1000 rmb a month can't marry a foreigner who earns ten or twenty or thirty times more, that's just stupid. It's unrealistic, and won't work. I met a beautiful 26 year old girl from Sichuan last year , we dated a bit, however her 1400 a month rmb salary killed our relationship. I felt a bit sad, because actually she seemed to be nice. However our different socio-economic backgrounds made it impossible for us to be together. I know things are "not fair", but what can you do? If she was a bit more in my league and maybe a bit older it could have worked. Maybe she has married some working class Chinese guy in her home town. If so then good for her.
So you can only marry somebody if they can compete with you salary-wise? Wow. Who said romance was dead? It's alive and kicking wherever you are! If a difference in income is that much of an obstacle for you, it really is you who is 'entitled' not the women you denigrate.
Again, explain how not thinking people of different means to yourself still matter is an extreme view.

I think you might be confusing the word 'extreme' with 'opposing' as if anything, all your 'points' show is that my views are not in the slightest extreme... You say you don't sleep with your students, that you do a 'proper' lesson plan, that you don't go to lessons drunk and that people of lesser income have value... So pretty much EVERYTHING I said previously! You continue to cling to the disillusion that I have 'extreme' views, yet continue to fail spectacularly to say what these views are! Bravo!

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