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#1 Parent joe - 2006-03-24
I wish you good luck my friend - Teachers discussion

Hi Rheno747. I enjoy your posts. I have learnt a great deal from
your articles. And I appreciate the truth and the no- nonsense
approach in your writing.
Good job! We need more people like you.

I want to wish you a good luck with your new endeavor,
but personally, I think teaching is safer and more profitable
then dentist. I have had a wisdom tooth pulled out here in Laos,
for $5.00. It took like 20-30 min (preparation - time
for injection to work - pulling the sucker out...), and all for $5 bucks.
And it was an 'middle class' dentist.
Then you'll have to spend around $2.000.00 for equipment,
then you'll have to employ couple assistants, the rent, the insurance...
And then, what if some Richard Nasty try to sue you for malpractice?
If you will want to practice in US, you'll probably have to take a test
in US again, despite of your Philippine diploma, since the standards
are much higher in US, and Philippine diploma ain't worth
whole lot to the American Dental Association examination board.

Good lord, to practice medicine in any form, is the last thing
I would do. When you're teacher, you can
pack your bag and be gone next day.
With business or health care practicing
you just can't do that. You're stucked.
Import-Export might be something you want
to look into. Buy cheap - sell with
profit. Good idea, but I don't know
nothing about it. Why don't you open your
own school? If you're good and your ideas
are working, you will have plenty
of students.

The number one problem that all of us are
facing here, is a cash flow, and how to
have a income without loosing our minds.
I my self, will be facing a trip back
to the Land of Lies Home of the
'protected', pretty soon, as my money
stash is getting thinner and thinner.
I wake up in the middle of a night in
cold sweat, screaming with the vision
of landing back in U.S.F..
I have start taking a Valium. And Prozak
will be next. :) :)

I wish you good luck my friend.

P.S. Can you please post the direct link to that article in BKK Time
you talked about in the tread of: ESL discussion
RhenoA380 -- 18 September 2005 ? I can't seem to locate it.


#2 Parent Rheno747 - 2006-03-24
I'm trying to expand on my possiblities - Teachers discussion

Hey, Joe.

I'm trying to expand on my possibilities in case I do get out of teaching. But even if I DO get out, my exodus won't be permanent. I'm still relatively young and have a lot of earning years ahead of me. I feel like I'm wasting my earning potential here at the moment and want to look at other paths. I'm asking myself "Why should I stay here making a thousand a month when I could be making a thousand a week?" over and over these days. I think the best path for me is to quit for now and come back later when I get older and can afford a house.

Yeah, teaching is something I think I'd like to do when I retire at 55. That's a long way off for me. If I go back to the USA and save, save, save for fifteen years, I'll have more than enough to buy a house, car, whatever here in Thailand. I'll come back here, set up my pad and get back into teaching just to have something to do.

#3 Parent joe - 2006-03-23
All my patients sucks - Teachers discussion

So now you're going to be a dentist?
You're not going to like your customers.
So when can we expect to read: "All my patients sucks!"?
:) :)
Seriously now, why do you want to give up teaching all the gather?


Rheno747 - 2006-03-15
Looking into a career change - Teachers discussion

I don't know if you guys can help me, but does anyone know of anyone from the west who has gone to med school in the Philipines? I'm thinking of going to a (cheap) uni there to learn dentistry.

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