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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-10-29
Re DO not work at Avalon English in Idong, Pohang, South Korea

No, I am just not stupid enough to tar every place with the same brush. Only an idiot would believe every place is bad.

I have no vested financial interest... Just common sense!

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-10-29
Re DO not work at Avalon English in Idong, Pohang, South Korea

Yes, I've read these forums extensively, and a lot of what I see is tourist-teachers complaining that they were expected to actually teach well!

Of course there are bad places that offer bad accommodation (by western standards), pay late and overwork their teachers. These places deserve to be highlighted as places to avoid. But there are also places that offer nice accommodation, pay on time and get legitimate visas for people. You won't see reviews about those schools on here as they have good, happy teachers who don't need to come here to complain. Bad news travels faster than good, but that doesn't mean good doesn't exist!

Private schools everywhere are bad? No, they're not. Granted good places in Asia are harder to find, but they exist. And Europe is a different kettle of fish completely. Not that you'll find many European schools on here... Tourist-teachers find it harder to get work in Europe, where private schools expect a much higher standard of teacher than in Asia, so there's not as many of them to complain about being expected to lesson plan properly.

#3 Parent asd - 2014-10-28
Re DO not work at Avalon English in Idong, Pohang, South Korea

No, that is the absolute truth about Privately run schools in Korea, China, Taiwan and elsewhere. Have you not read the forums extensively on certain esl forums Beth or do you have a vested financial interest perhaps? Get in the real world.

#4 Parent Beth - 2014-10-28
Re DO not work at Avalon English in Idong, Pohang, South Korea

Now that, Turnoi, is a sweeping generalisation!

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