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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-08
Re Arrogant frauds on ESL sites.

ESL learners at C1/C2 level working with literary texts of these writers in a course in Engl Lit will soon be aware of the outdated language of these writers and and regard it in its own merits. 4. Hence, the literary language of Shakespeare and Dickens is not a role model for ESL learners in practical language courses. Literary appreciation and interpretation of English Literature is really something else and not to be equated the English language acquisition..

The fact you think a literature degree is all about Shakespeare and Dickens just further highlights your ignorance.

Plus you don't have the first clue of what is involved in an exam for a C1/2 qualification, so don't post ad if you do, you just look moronic to those of us who do know!

And YOU were the one who claimed I had said lit. and ESL language acquisition were not the same and scoffed at this, saying it was proof of my ignorance about ESL. Now you are saying they're different! You are so tied up in your own lies and ignorance you appear to be losing track of your own 'arguments'!!

A degree in Literature only is useless if it does not include linguistic components of study that show how language actually works.
Again, do yourself a favor and look up the components of a literature degree. I did provide you with a link sometime ago, the comments in your post clearly show you didn't bother reading it.

Educate yourself before you make yourself look even more stupid.

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