Return to Index › discontinued wkend class Chongqing? - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent CYNDY - 2006-04-04
wow - Teachers discussion

i haven't heard about it but man, it's going to be great if they did that.That would mean more time with my ....... ha ha ha :D :D

Jay - 2006-03-30
discontinued wkend class Chongqing? - Teachers discussion

I'm trying to find some info about the discontinuation of weekend classes, wheather it's only in in my county of Tongliang, the prov. Chongqing or all of China? I've heard within the Education system, they will discontinue wkend classes. Does anyone know anything about this? I'm concerned that next year, the schools will have no time for their foreign teacher(me), so will not employe any in the future? Thanks for the reply if you do! :?

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