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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-14
Re Making faces is not for Graces

1) EFDL was a good place to work under a particular DOS and I reviewed it ad such. After his departure it was not a good place to work thanks to the influx of tourist-teachers and so I left and amended my review. This is not a contradiction. Get a dictionary.

2) Your recent contradictions include: dismissing the relevance of a lit. degree and then a few days later talking about the relevance of it in order to fit your current vein of insult. When asked to go head to head with me on YL teaching methods you state the proven validity of certain methodology that you had previously denigrated. On another thread you have criticized one poster for something you have defended CT for. Or asking if Somebody had worked at certain universities in order to know they were bad, despite your condemnation of countless establishments that you have never set foot in. I'm on my smartphone, so linking is problematic, but if you like on Monday I will list, with links, a selection of the glaring contradictions you've made. Or examples of the strawman arguments you've used. Just let me know if you are up for that kind of public humiliation and I'll be happy to oblige.

3) What lies? Oh there are so many. Creating a fake profile about me on LinkedIn is right up there! Pretending you are an authority on practically anything anyone mentions? Saying Dr. Asher wasn't qualified in education. Calling me a man for years despite having photographic evidence to the contrary. Again, the list is a long one and on my smartphone it would take too long to list them all!

4) I've never used a strawman on here, nor have I been hypocritical. You are welcome to post links to where you think I have been... But then I've challenged you to do so in the past and you have always been unable to because it doesn't exist.

5) You and your clowns are the only ones who are operating under the assumption that I somehow support EF style franchise business models. I do not. I support private schools that offer top quality education in ESL to students. Not businesses that seek to exploit students. You are the ones who cannot make that simple distinction. The rest of us can. And have.

6) You have made no posts of substance. You said drilling was not effective, which I had already said, so there was no reason to refute a critique you had lifted from my initial post. Your comments about TPR are based on ignorant bias and not either experience or informed research. I said quite clearly until you did some reading on the matter I would no longer discuss TPR with you as you don't know why you're talking about. Me discussing TPR with you is like a physicist trying to explain string theory to a coconut.

Your comments regarding pronunciation were nonsense, as was proven by the clear pronunciation of my students in the goodbye video. Just because you can't fix pron errors in YL students, doesn't mean that limitation is applicable to everyone.

As already stated numerous times, I don't like teacher focused drilling and use it as little as possible in my classes, so your assumptions about my teaching practices are completely wrong. As is your assessment of my relationship with my students as any idiot can clearly see from watching the video of me teaching.

There really is no further for you to go. You have been wrong about every aspect of this thread and even with video evidence still refuse to admit the truth. You are beyond help.

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