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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-15
Re Age restrictions in China

Hi Tom,

You may struggle to find teaching work, I'm afraid. Especially so at a training centre where there are countless recently graduated 20-somethings who have realised thier degree in philosophy, sports science or media and film studies is unlikely to land them a job back home , but can get them a teaching job in Asia. The hours at a TC may not be something you want to undertake, either. They can be very intensive, usually around 20 teaching hours a week not to mention the preparation time that entails. Classes can be very early in the morning or quite late in the evening, often on the same day depending on the centre and it's scheduling.

You may find a university in China that will take you with your qualifications quashing any worries about your age, plus the hours are shorter and preparation time less.

I'd suggest contacting a few universities directly and sending them your resume.

I'd recommend avoiding TCs in China if you are fully qualified, as the sheer amount of unqualified tourist-teachers with abysmal attitudes towards their job and their students will likely annoy you as much as it annoyed me and every other actually qualified teacher I knew during my years in China!

Do you have your heart set on China? With your experience and qualifications there may be some places in Europe that would take you on?

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-15
Re Age restrictions in China

I'm wondering if private English teaching centres have the same age restrictions as the public institutions. I have a degree, Diploma, and cert lV TESOL and 30 years of teaching experience. Problem is, I'm 68 yrs old. Is there no way I can get a teaching job in China?

This is a tricky one, Tom. There's plenty of 68 year olds working in China but most of them are married to Chinese women/men; therefore, they can obtain residence permits and work unofficially. It's generally not the schools (any type) which are ageist but the authorities. However, you sound like a proper teacher; whereas most of us who post on this forum are not qualified to teach in our own countries unless it's teaching English to foreigners. In view of you being a proper teacher you may find a school which is prepared to go out on a limb, and have influence with the authorities to hire you. It's the numbers game for you; you need to apply to hundreds of schools and tolerate many rejections to find that school you search. If you are determined enough you will be successful I'm sure. Conversely you can find yourself a Chinese wife.

Tom Taylor - 2014-11-15
Age restrictions in China

I'm wondering if private English teaching centres have the same age restrictions as the public institutions. I have a degree, Diploma, and cert lV TESOL and 30 years of teaching experience. Problem is, I'm 68 yrs old. Is there no way I can get a teaching job in China?

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