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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-29
Re: Re Vietnam

Paedophilia used to be commonplace, but we realised consent was a bit important and so stopped trading and marrying off children. Something being historically accepted doesn't mean we have to believe the same today. Times change and people become more informed.

Prostitution is for the most part an enforced occupation, the girls would do anything else but had they a say in the matter. They don't. Their choice, their consent, is removed from the transaction.

What's a poor male FT to do? How about use your hand? I lived in China for two years, I'm not attracted to Chinese men and it wasn't until my second year that I met a guy who I was in relationship with. Being alone does not automatically mean you exploit women who have no choice. It means you become intimately acquainted with you hand. If you lived in England or America and didn't have a gf, you wouldn't be out visiting brothels... You do in China because it's cheap and more readily available without as much risk of prosecution. You exploit these girls because it is convenient for you. Selfish and thoughtless.

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2014-11-29
Re: Re Vietnam

Prostitution in China is socially and economically integral, an historic presence and currently palliative to demographic issues.
On this site and other sites, I have seen countless arguments against foreign teacher relationships with students, relationship/marriage with/to local women, and passionate entreaties for adoption of cultural standards.
What's a poor (sic) male foreign teacher to do?
May I suggest to FAOs and Private Schools that they advertise for gay missionary couples for next year's staffing.

#3 Parent Sludge - 2014-11-28
Re Vietnam

Some of you bible bashing, moral brigade idiots need to spend more time living in more liberal minded European countries.

I don't think anyone in this thread has quoted the bible or mentioned being a christian? If I missed any reference, then I apologize profusely. However, I did not personally mind his reference, and I merely replied with some info that I thought may be helpful about food, much like your info about the coffee, that is also spot on. Vietnamese coffee is great, and never met anyone who has had anything bad to say about it. I think SB may well like it there, and that he just slipped up and did not mean to cause offence by asking about prostitution.


#4 Parent Fifi - 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam

I see your points.

Beth has since opened my eyes to some considerations that I had not addressed/was not aware of when it comes to the real situation of the women. I was not looking at the problem from the women's angle. I was looking at the problem from the men's angle, and what got my TOTAL agreement was mostly the end of John's post:

using prostitutes in a responsible way is arguably far better than being a womanising prick that treats normal women in a cheaper and more disposable manner, by f**king and chucking them and so on. Using prostitutes on a regular basis is also better than falling into a loveless relationship with the wrong kind of woman for the sake of a regular guaranteed sex.

This part of his post, I still and always will solidly agree with.

#5 Parent Beth - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

The point is bot whether or not SB can make his own decisions, it is very much whether or not the girl he is renting can.

#6 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

Also, Silverboy stated his age preference (which was entirely legit), I think if he wanted something of a really bad nature, he wouldn't dare to post on here!

Why on earth did you say that, with all that that implies? You seem to bounce around all over the place. It's all bad enough already, i don't imagine anybody has thought that he was searching out under aged females. Some of you seem obsessed with this P word. I accept that he wants to purchase the services of 20-25 year olds i think he said. Let's stick with that shall we!?

#7 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam

I don't usually agree with John O'Shea but I agree with this post. Entirely.

It might help if you explain why you agree with him entirely. It all sounds like the same old contradictory nonsense to me- same old emotive drivel about the bible-bashers, concluded by the tear-jerking (vomit-inducing)stuff about how he loves his girlfriend....her who gets them plastic ducks and loves him all the more. We need to think very deeply for the women concerned.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

How on earth can you know for sure if the girl selling herself is doing so
because she honestly wants to do that (and I find that hard to believe) or because she
is being forced or coerced in some way?

That's one of the issues facing any punter that decides to use prostitutes. But I'm sure than Silverboy is a big boy and can make his own decisions.

Also, Silverboy stated his age preference (which was entirely legit), I think if he wanted something of a really bad nature, he wouldn't dare to post on here!

Finally, although we all teach, it isn't the only thing that we will talk about. ESL teachers often travel around and will discuss issues relating to that part of their lives.

#9 Parent Beth - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

I'm not religious in the slightest. My objection isn't theological, it's on the ethical side of it. How on earth can you know for sure if the girl selling herself is doing so because she honestly wants to do that (and I find that hard to believe) or because she is being forced or coerced in some way?

Sorry, but being against prostitution does not make me a prude, not when the statistics are so high for trafficked or coerced women... And Vietnam has a reputation for catering for people who like them young... Wholly unacceptable.

And again, this is a teacher forum, not a sex tourism forum. Adult topics do not offend me but then I also do not think they have a place on a board about ESL teaching. Especially so when in relation to tips on.price and services offered!

And there is a world of difference between sharing an innocent picture of your family and discussing how much a full service prostitute costs. They are two entirely different and incomparable things.

In my private life I have gotten up to all sorts of things, but that is private and not up for discussion on a board that is supposed to be about teaching.

#10 Parent Fifi - 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam

I don't usually agree with John O'Shea but I agree with this post. Entirely.

#11 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

Prostitution is legal in many countries and is to an extent considered to be not completely socially unacceptable. As long as you aren't having sex with under-age, trafficked or enslaved women and they are willing, consenting adults, what the hell is wrong with it? Some of you bible bashing, moral brigade idiots need to spend more time living in more liberal minded European countries.

Also, if you work in a high pressure job and have little time to spend building a relationship or looking after a family, prostitutes can definitely serve a purpose. All men have needs. It's better to go for escorts than brothel workers though, both in terms of ethics and quality. Silverboy appears to be willing to pay far more than he'd probably need to, so I don't worry about him being a 'scumbag sex-tourist.'

Personally, I can't partake in that kind of thing these days. I love my girlfriend very much and don't wish to cheat on her, but I try not to judge others too much, using prostitutes in a responsible way is arguably far better than being a womanising prick that treats normal women in a cheaper and more disposable manner, by f**king and chucking them and so on. Using prostitutes on a regular basis is also better than falling into a loveless relationship with the wrong kind of woman for the sake of a regular guaranteed sex.

#12 Parent Somebody - 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam

I am also sorry if the bit about hookers in my posts offended anyone. I am only planning to go there for three months, so not interested in GF's, wives, that is why I asked,

Restated: I'm a scumbag sex tourist.

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