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#1 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-30
Re Vietnam

I have also seen a few poor foreigners with Chinese GF's, but it is rare.

It's far from rare, it's commonplace. But when you get to 40 plus it's the same as in the west, you can't expect young ladies to fall head over heels over an old bloke with a beer-gut and varicose veins now can you? Not saying you are out of condition- you looked quite trim in your photos. But let's face it, you will now be fishing for the older women-they might want you to show them some tangible commitment and when you say 'buy them houses' they mean buy one so you both can live in it, and that is fair enough. You have to face it SB at your age you are never going to go to bed with Buffet The Vampire Slayer. No find yourself a 50 year old Chinese lady and buy that house for the two of you.

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