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#1 Parent Janet - 2014-12-01
Re A Poster's privacy should be sacrosanct.

Very funny hehehe. That Ft trebus must be very strange indeed if you thought they were ona and the same. Here is another link about hoarders. Not a thing to be for a teacher hehe


yu2fa3 - 2014-11-30
A Poster's privacy should be sacrosanct.

All of us get things wrong and do things we're not best proud of. My 'thing' came back to haunt me when I saw an unrelated picture of an ancient computer recently.

A few years ago for a laugh a few posters got together to try and track down where a certain poster, who shall be known as 'X' operated from. I suppose I was young and inconsiderate to try and poke my nose into privacy of another.

Anyway, we knew a bit about him, how he lived and what his accent was like, as one of the other conspiritors who shall be know as 'Y' had spoken to him on skype.

Anyway, it was all dead-ends we followed for the best part of a year, when out of the blue poster 'Y' phoned me in an excited and agitated state “I have seen him, he's on the news” he screamed across the line “ the accent is unmistakable, he's famous!” he added. Anyway, for a long while we were convinced we had our man, as in the photo, Mr Trebus. We had great fun imagining how he'd got his computer which he did his posts on -from an old PC he'd found in the skip.

One day though, Mr Trebus died but the poster 'X' continued to post. We had had things totally wrong and we deserved condemnation for trying to spy on somebody anyway. Mr Trebus nonethelless is one fantastic character. Here's a link.

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